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3 months on..


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Hi all, just an update on where I am; tomorrow will be 3 months since I was dumped with pretty much zero communication.


For the last week or two I've noticed a consistency in the mornings that I'm waking up feeling good, generally my days are OK now, the pain isn't anywhere near as crippling as it was going back a month or two.


She still pops into my head a lot, but I'm getting very good at diverting my thoughts back on to myself, on to what I want from my life & where I feel I'm heading now.


I met a girl on Friday night, she seemed in to me, we've exchanged numbers and have been texting back & forth, I don't know if will go anywhere but it's nice to know that there are other girls out there.


Just letting those know that are fresh out of a break up that you will start improving given time; hang in there.

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