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it's ok.. let go

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For anyone who read or contributed to my post “friends with benefits” you’d know how messed up, confused and captive I was once. Now even though the process of recovery isn’t quite over, I’ve learnt a lot on my journey. Letting go of anything that was once good or even kind of good is difficult. Memories are painful and haunting and sometimes they keep us in a place where no longer exist, a place that can only cause us pain. Therefore it is crucial to let go and move on from these painful screen shows of memoirs.


Unconscious conflicts, in dialogue form, play themselves out in my mind, painfully re-enacting various scenes from my past; moments gone by in which I know and sense, that I was compromised by my own weakness. If these dark inner dialogues were left to themselves as they popped into my mind, they’d be as powerless as an echo is to change its own sound. So lately I’ve learnt this strategy for when I’m unknowingly drawn into these scenes of past only to find myself interacting with a cast of ghost players. The ensuing mental dialogue is always a desperate but futile attempt to change what has already been said and done so that maybe this time around I can come out a winner.


I’ve learnt to understand and embrace this fact and now each time I catch myself in a dark inner dialogue, of any kind, I use my awareness of the conflict it’s creating within me as a springboard to help me leap out of those scary scenes from my past into the safety of the present moment. Then, instead of giving myself back over to those inner voices of conflict that are still trying to converse with me, I remain aware of myself in the present moment, and of their continuing beckoning presence.


No matter how many times you hear in your mind those fighting words that have always prompted you to jump into that dark dialogue, refuse to join in. Ground yourself in your awareness of the present moment. When you’re no longer a captive of your own past, you can recognize its ghost voices as the source of psychic intrusion they really are. Learn to ask for a happy, new life by refusing to relive what’s been tearing at you.


So therefore, in order to let go of any painful past condition -- so there is never again a moment where regret or sorrow is pulling us down -- we must allow every movement, each unexpected event encountered, every thought and feeling – no matter its character -- to have its own life. If we will attempt to view life from this new and higher understanding – that everything under the sun, from thoughts to thunder, has its own birth, life and death -- then one day we will come to the relief-filled realization that the reason any part of our painful past persists is because there is something in us that won’t let it die out naturally. Any lingering sadness is an unnatural life-form kept breathing by the false self’s reluctance to let it go.


Every present moment is always new, and new is always right now. Now is constantly shedding the old. You need only observe any living system to see the beauty and significance of starting over -- over and over and over. If anything in life fails to shed the old, it quickly stagnates. A spring that stops replenishing its new waters soon turns dank and sour. This powerful principle is never so true as when it pertains to human life. It is a scientific fact that the you who is reading this sentence right now will not be the same you that finishes it!


If you could realize and enter into that true quality of life where there is an entirely New You every moment, it would mean that with every single heartbeat you would be free from any possible heartache that might have preceded it. In this New Life, every relationship begins for the first time over and over again. Every discouragement is over right now. Every challenge, every difficulty is shouldered only in its time and is never carried forward or looked back upon with regret.


The wondrous promise of Truth is that if you would only persist in this type of questioning about what it is within you that keeps you from living in the present, nothing in the universe can stop you from leaving the painful past behind and breaking through to a New You.


I hope that this is helpful to anyone who may be going through a painful letting go period. You will be alright!

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