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Hey Everyone,


I have a question concerning if a girl is interested in me or just being polite?


Here's the story, I have a history class with this girl,( I actually knew her from the volleyball team, but we were not well acquainted then)She sat a row across from me in history for a few classes, I sat in the back row by myself, there is three chairs to a table. Anyways after a few classes she came up to me and said does anybody sit next to me and I said no, she took the middle seat right next to me. Anyways we both were real quiet at first until I said how is volleyball and I know shes on the track and field team asd well so I asked her how that went. Over time she bacame more open and when I would sit down before class ask how my weekend went and I asked her too, and we would talk about class and her other classes. This continued for a few weeks and then we would leave class together and start walking out of the building talking to each other, we would usually go our seperate ways at a fork in the path as she would have class next, but then she began to talk and walk with me as I would go check my mailbox for mail. After we each checked our mail we'd go our seperate ways. I called her up to do a survey and she would talk and I asked her how she was doing preparing for a history exam and we would give each other pointers on things we did not understand. Well one class she actually asked me if I was going to my mailbox, ( I assume so she could talk to me?) and I said yeah so she followed. On the day of the exam she finished first and she waited for me outside the room, so we talked about the exam and about how the newspaper did not put something in I wrote and she joked and talked about that which was cool. Now I am talking to her after we leave the mailbox area and walking and talking with her to her next class which is in a different building, I have no more classes, but yet I follow her there just to talk to and she has not said why am I still walking with her if I have no class, I do work at the computer help desk in the building but not at that time. No, I do not hold her hand or anything or asked her out, I am wondering if any girls can tell me that if this girl is trying to get me to do that or is she just being nice? If Any guys have gone through this too feel free to respond, I am just wondering if she is heading in that direction. Thanks everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend!



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Ask her out somewhere as a friend, somewhere that will take you away from the school environment. You've got nothing to loose, you're either gaining a friend or a girl-friend both ways you win. But in my opinion, she likes you and is just too shy to say. Take the first step, it may be the best decision of your life.

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go for it!!


just ask her out somewhere fun, somewhere nice and non-threatening.


the worst she can do is say "no", but from what you say in your post, it seems highly unlikely she'd say that.


you'll be able to tell in time if things are going to progress. maybe you asking her out is just the ticket needed to get things moving. if things don't work out, at least you have a good friend who you have gotten to know better.


good luck!!

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Well I assume that if she did not like you some what she would probably start looking like she was uncomfortable with you walking her to class. I think you should ask her out, because it won't hurt anything... Obviously, if she did not like you, and thought you liked her, she would probably try to avoid talking to you so much.

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