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Some Flirting Tips

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Flirting is a serious business, not just a frivolous encounter. In fact it’s not a game at all, it’s really more of a strategy. Think about it, we flirt all the time; we just don’t know we’re doing it. Some of us are so totally unaware of the affect we have on other people, especially those of the opposite sex or even the same sex that we can give off the wrong signals. By developing your flirting skills you can improve your relationships.


Here are a few tips to take notice of next time you’re interacting with people.


Eye Contact. Look people in the eye; let them know you are interested in them.


Hold the Eye Contact. When someone is speaking to you don’t look away, be careful not to be distracted, let him or her know they have your total attention.


Smile. This is such a powerful form of communication that it’s contagious.


Be Approachable. Your body language tells a lot about you and lets others know if you are approachable or not.


Be Encouraging. Be prepared to do some of the work, get involved in the interaction process.



How do you keep the romance alive in your relationships? Many couples think that once you have been together for a while the romance doesn’t matter because you have moved onto another level of the relationship.


It’s the romance, which can keep a relationship alive. It keeps the spark there and after all, you loved the romantic side of the relationship when you first got together so why would you want to let it go now. And its not just the women who want the romance, men love it too.

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Ohh.. flirting tips! Good ones. I'll add some too, the 'step 2 - contact flirting':


Get in the personal space, if the signal is given.


If you are getting back the signals you are sending, then step into the circle. I like to do the 'talk close in the ear' thing. You have to tell him or her something, so you lean in - put one hand lightly on the shoulder and lean in while making eye contact. Then you put your mouth sort of near their ear and tell them softly. It has to be done smoothly and naturally. You don't want to get too close, but close enough where if you wanted, you could move down a few inches and kiss their neck. He won't hear what you are saying, so much as he will be aware of you body very close to his.


Another one is the hair thing. You just find excuses to brush their hair back from their face, or just find a way to put your hands on it.


One other is the 'clothes touch' - find a reason to touch their clothing. Either brush something off, or just say - man, I love how soft that sweater is and touch it. You'll find that by touching in that way, it can bring some heavy associations to touching in other more naked ways.


Then, the coup de grace: the face touch. You look for an excuse to touch their face in a faintly sensual way while looking at them and smiling. This is usually followed not to far behind by a kiss - or it will at the very least get the idea in his/her head. This is the heavy duty flirt.


I agree that flirting, even with someone you've been with a long time can really keep things interesting.

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Make sure your teeth are clean...i.e. no black/ green things.


make sure you have no boogers making a break for freedom.

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I have a saying..."Love to tease, but it's so much better to please"...anyways, I love flirting it makes me feel like I still have it...you know what I mean ;)


Me personally eye contact is the way to go...I can seriously feel a connection with someone with the way they look at me...That's the one thing that makes me act all silly and feel all tingley inside...The way a man looks at a woman when he wants her damn or man is it nerve wrecking




How do you keep the romance alive in your relationships?


I simply think of ways he would be turned on..for example for Valentines day I bought lingerie, danced for him and gave him a little show..he said he fell in love all over again...In return he blind folded me and took me to the beach and we had a picnic with a basic and all... :love:

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Originally posted by LucreziaBorgia

If you are getting back the signals you are sending, then step into the circle. I like to do the 'talk close in the ear' thing. You have to tell him or her something, so you lean in - put one hand lightly on the shoulder and lean in while making eye contact. Then you put your mouth sort of near their ear and tell them softly. It has to be done smoothly and naturally. You don't want to get too close, but close enough where if you wanted, you could move down a few inches and kiss their neck. He won't hear what you are saying, so much as he will be aware of you body very close to his.


One other is the 'clothes touch' - find a reason to touch their clothing. Either brush something off, or just say - man, I love how soft that sweater is and touch it. You'll find that by touching in that way, it can bring some heavy associations to touching in other more naked ways.


I'm laughing so hard at that clothes touching thing, cuz my friend did it to me couple of weeks ago, and i was laughing at him, and I'm like man u have to stop cuz its so obvious :D i just find that to be funny.


also i like that one with talk in their ear thing, i think its really sexy, i do it all the time, but i didn't realize it was flirting. well now i know.


the eye contact would be one of the hardest ones, its so hard for me to keep eye contact, i just cant, i wish i could learn how to keep it up for a little while, but i don't feel comfortable.

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