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If you are sleeping with someone, are you attached to the person?


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I'm a goodie goodie girl also, but now that I'm single... who knows? LOL, just kiddin'!!


I wish I were a bit less uptight at times, to tell you the truth! i remember one of my friends sending me stuff about good girls and about bad girls. Really funny, like:


good girls wear high hills to work, bad girls wear high hills to bed

good girls keep diaries, bad girls keep busy, etc

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Originally posted by emotionsmessmeup


maybe that works for u



I encourage people to do what works for them. It works great for me, thanks.

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ok..no i am nto a bad girl...yet..i still coem in the good girl category...


but after a tortourous 5 yr. thing..i just needed to have fun with no strings attached...

see what i was missing in the 6 years actually...



sometimes its just what u need!

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I think you have no reason to justify your lifestyle or your choices to anyone, girl!!


some on this forum know me as the slut basher, btw!!! Imagine that, lol !!

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lol...wow ...when you feel froggy, jump? I needed a laugh! :p


I can't just have sex without attatchment. I tried that with my ex, and now that Im single again, (just broke up 2 days ago from the guy I got with after him) its all I can think about sometimes. I miss him with every fiber of my soul sometimes and it hurts that we're not together and he makes great efforts to call me "Friend."


But he talks to me like we're dating again. And its definitely confusing. :confused: We broke up because he was being consistently neglectful and jerky, and now neither of us have time for each other but we both want to be with each other, probably...just for the sex! :laugh::love::laugh:

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Of course you are going to be attached to that person, but there are different kinds of attachments.


Sex can mean different things, at different times, with different people.


If you are in an emotionally deep, committed LTR with someone you love, then I will agree, that there is nothing better than "making love" with that person. That other person feels like part of you, and that (and the cuddling afterwards) is just the closest you can get to them.


Sometimes, if you are not attached to someone though, and you have sex with someone who is just a really good friend (who happens to be of the opposite sex), it can be a great physical release. Even people not in committed emotionally deep LTRs at the moment and who are not currently dating anyone they really want to have sex with have needs, and I don't think it means there is anything wrong with people who do that. ;) And of course there is some emotional closeness associated with it. It's doing something really fun, or even special, with a really good friend (and OF COURSE it involves some closeness and some trust) - but it isn't like "making love" to the person you are deeply IN love with. No matter how good the sex is, there is a difference. Like I said though, as long as everyone is on the same page, I don't see the problem.

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I have had sex with people and I never even got the slightest attachment to them whatsoever. Sometimes I feel like I'm more of a man in the way I think about things! Like sometimes after I sleep wtih a guy I don't even feel interested in him anymore at all - and then they will be trying to date me and I'm just like "go away." It just depends. :confused:


Sex with someone you love is the best sex imaginable but it is hard to get that sometimes...so you have to go for the second best sometimes I suppose..some good 'ol meaningless sex. :p

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It depends one the person, how often, and the state you are in at the time(lonely, happy, ect) I think everyone gets attached the person a bit. Although sometimes you sleep with them and realise you didnt want to, or it just isnt for you.


lol nemisis

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