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update, and also needs some advise

Bobby Dygytul

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Bobby Dygytul

Hey Tony, Sparkle and everyone. First i want to tell you all that my date last Friday went really well. She called me the next day and wanted to go out again that nite, so we did. She also invited me over last nite to watch a favorite TV show that we both like to watch.


I really like her alot. I actually met her about 9 months ago online. This past Friday was our first date. We did go out one other time before, but it was only for a few minutes because its started snowing bad. I can tell she likes me. She is really shy and she hasn't had many boyfriends. Im not for sure, but i think she is a virgin. (BTW im 24 and she is 19.) Im am shy also though.


Another plus is that her parents seems to like me. Ok, my problem now is that i want to take our friendship a step ahead, but im not sure how to or if i should wait a while longer. We have been friends for a good while now and i really like her. I just get really nervous and im not very experienced when it comes to that subject. Im not sure what to say. Im not sure if it would be better to just keep doing what we are doing, or if i should try talking to her about it. Can someone please give me some advise?

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Treat this like any other dating situation. Start with holding her hand, later putting your arms around her waist. Tell her how great she looks. Then go for a good night kiss. Hey, this love stuff is NOT for shy people. Be a MAN and do what you need to do here.


This girl is looking for some romance, I promise you, and if she's shy she'll be all the more receptive if your advances are done in a kind, easy, romantic way. Take the lead and GO FOR IT!!!


As for her parents liking you, don't go out of your way to impress them. You are dating this girl, NOT her parents. Efforts to impress parents very often backfire where younger women are concerned. Very often, the more the parents like a guy their daughter is seeing and encourage her to proceed, the more the lady will rebel and move on to somebody else. I think it's some kind a phase younger ladies go through. Just something to think about.


Anyway, if you don't make some moves on this lady...I'll do it for you!!!

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Bobby Dygytul

ok thanks Tony. We have already did the holding hands and putting my arm around her, but i haven't got to the goodnite kiss yet. That will be my next objective. I'll give it a try the next time me and her go out. Thanks!!!

Treat this like any other dating situation. Start with holding her hand, later putting your arms around her waist. Tell her how great she looks. Then go for a good night kiss. Hey, this love stuff is NOT for shy people. Be a MAN and do what you need to do here. This girl is looking for some romance, I promise you, and if she's shy she'll be all the more receptive if your advances are done in a kind, easy, romantic way. Take the lead and GO FOR IT!!! As for her parents liking you, don't go out of your way to impress them. You are dating this girl, NOT her parents. Efforts to impress parents very often backfire where younger women are concerned. Very often, the more the parents like a guy their daughter is seeing and encourage her to proceed, the more the lady will rebel and move on to somebody else. I think it's some kind a phase younger ladies go through. Just something to think about. Anyway, if you don't make some moves on this lady...I'll do it for you!!!
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She's probably been waiting eagerly for you to make your next move. Don't disappoint her. It sounds like you've met a real nice lady and a very good match for yourself.


Good luck!!!

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