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how to make the 'move'... any suggestions?


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So most of you might just laugh at this request but be kind. ( :


I'm a senior in college. I've been in this art class (small size of about 15 students) and have been casually flirting across the room and on our breaks (three hour classes = 15 minute breaks every now and then). I have always thought that he had a girlfriend or perhaps someone in his life the way he would show his interest and then shy away like it was wrong.


This has been going on for 3 1/2 months now. I've just enjoyed being cute and flirting- until today. His friend made a comment while we were chit chatting about how I had a ring on my left hand's ring finger (not an engagement ring... just a nice one that doesn't fit well on any other finger). I took it off and put it on another finger quickly and pretended like I didn't hear what was just said. His face turned bright red. Now we continued our chitchat for another five minutes before his friend once again came over to us and said 'you're supposed to ask her out for coffee- you're supposed to ask for her number- you're supposed to ask her out. that's how you do this dating thing.' This embarrassed the both of us. We continued our chit chatting and then both walked away.


The thing is- I now know he's very interested and I now know he's not involved with someone else. I also have no idea why he doesn't just ask me if I am. I thought that I've shown him all the signs but maybe I'm not? Confession time and why you might laugh--- I'm 22 and have never asked a guy out. I'm just 'old fashinoned' (ahem- scared out of my mind). But don't want to play games anymore. Any ideas? Just so you know- all i know about him is that he's in the Army, a student, his name is Steve, and his quirks while in class.


Thanks for any and all help!

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you are an exact replica of myself in that department.


i have to think and reasses my thoughts before i can offer insight. ive been in that position oh so many times.


i think what i have done in the past is continue the chit chatting as to build up the confidence that hey im interested...i tend to give off horrible mixed signals ive been told more than a few times...and then ive slipped in the hey we should hang out some time. and maybe had a plan of action in my head already like oh im having some people over tonite and a keg...whatever....or im meeting at some random name of a bar or the movies or whatever at some time you should stop by?


sometimes ive had a friend take the cupid role but that doesnt always work either. give it a shot, he seems totally interested and its almost certain it will have a positive outcome. but if not well oh well u tried and hes a loser for not jumping at the chance to hang with you... ;)

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go to his door in only whip cream. he will do the rest.



*disclaimer* The opinons expressed in this post are not that of a professional and as such should not be attempted.

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