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She was holding my hand but now.....

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I need some input from women and men about this.


There's a girl that I feel strongly for, in a way that I've never felt for someone before. Anyhow, I now think that I have to keep these feelings to myself unfortunately.


It all happened in November when I saw her for the first time at university--something just 'clicked' inside of me when I saw her but I couldn't get the nerve to say anything. I asked around and found out a few things about her. Shortly after she went on an exchange overseas so I didn't get to see her until recently.


When I did finally see her again I talked to her and we made sometime to meet to talk about her exchange---a city where I will go on exchange as well (something that helped me make our first meeting.) Anyhow, we got along very well during this meeting and I felt that I was so comfortable with her. She asked me whether I was going to go to the formal (university) party two days later and I said that I wasn't sure because I was so busy. She told me that I will always be busy and that I should go regardless. So I decided I would go since I wanted to be able to talk to her more there.


When I saw her at the party she said that I looked good and I couldn't help to reply that she looked beautiful. Later on we saw each other again and she suddenly grabed my arm and then grabed my hand. She said for the second time that I looked good. We ended up walking and talking hand-in-hand. I felt so great at that time.


After that she went with her friends to take photos and more photos. I told her that I wanted to talk more and she said that after the photos that we'll talk. Well, later on she practically ignored me completely and I felt that it was really strange that she was holding my hand and saying that I looked good but then she decided not to make anytime for me anymore. It was just strange--I thought to myself whether this is something she usually does--grabs the hand of a guy and says certain nice things and then runs away.


Anyhow, the next day I sent her an email to say that I liked talking to her but it bugged me a bit that we were talking (and holding hands) and that she closed up to me the rest of the night. I also said that I felt something towards her. Her reply was that she was sorry that she didn't talk to me later but she didn't mean to lead me on--that she is just a friendly person. She further went on to say that all she feels that she can do at the moment is talk to me


Well, this is when it gets to the point where I think that her email was polite by saying that she is not interested in me. But what really made me feel strange is the hand holding and then backing off. Was she just being a flirt? It's a definite way to make a guy think that a girl likes him. Anyhow, we have had a couple of friendly emails since then but I think I won't be sending her anymore-I don't want to be thought of that guy who tries and tries but gets pushed away. Also, I don't see her that often at school--so mainly communication is through email at the moment unless I do see her at school...


I feel that there's not much to do but to think that she is just friendly (even though the hand holding happened)...


Can someone shed some light on why she would hold my hand and back off? Just being a flirt or just being friendly or?

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Maybe hand holding isn't that big of a deal to her, and she was just flirting with you for fun. Or maybe she was interested in you but then she saw someone else there she was also interested in and that's why she turned cold towards you.

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Hunt that could be true...or she was trying to make someone at the party jealous and it worked so then she didnt need you anymore.


Either way thats was not cool to do that. I say dont write her e-mails anymore.

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