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is the relationship losing its touch?

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my b/f and i seem to have nothing to do anymore. we love being with eachother, but we want more to do than make-out. both of us think of things to do, but we never really act on them. i guess they dont really appeal to us. we both love the outdoors. he likes to play on the computer, and i would rather do yard work than that. we are still very intersted in eachoth, but are running low on a little fuel. even when we do make out, its the same thing. is there anything we can do to spice that up some? either way, we are both looking for some variety in our realtionship. something different/new, ya know? i was just wondering if any one had any suggestions for us. we are in highschool, and have been going out for almost two years. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. thanks.

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Great question. This happens often in relationships after a bit.


First, it's very important for you to have a life away from your guy. Do things with friends; go shopping; to concerts; to movies; school functions, etc. Sometimes, include your guy...sometimes just go out for an evening of hanging with the girls. Don't make the tragic mistake of foresaking friends because of a guy. Even after you're married, having friends and doing things with them is extremely important.


Second, what you do with your guy really depends on the size of your down. If it's very small, your opportunities may be limited. Even still, you can play cards, board games, take walks, do volunteer work together, attend school functions, listen to music, look at old pictures when the two of you were small, take up hobbies together like tennis or photography, etc. There are always free and neat happenings at the local public library. There is no end to the things you can do with little or no money.


If you live in a larger town, there are tons of things to do all the time. Look at your Friday newspaper for a list of all the goings on, including dances, concerts, etc. Cooking out is always fun. You can get all the ingredients for great hamburgers and potato salad for two for about $5. Invite friends over and have them bring buns and Coke. You can have a mini party for about the same price.


In larger towns, it's always nice to take a walk in the safe parts of downtown at night. If you have a car, you can take drives. Going to new hang outs is always fun. Visiting friends or doing just about anything on the spur of the moment is great.


You are really going to have to use your brain here because you have 65 or more years to live...you'll have lots of time to do things. So if you are having a problem finding things to do at your age, you may really have to squeeze your brain in a few years. Get your imagination going and there will be no end to the things you can find to do.

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