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Should i dump her if she is emotionally cheating?

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God knows I have no room to say much regarding this matter because I took my ex back after he was unfaithful and although I have no regrets I do wish I could've had enough self love to want better for myself.


It's never wrong to love someone. Ever. That part is ok. But the thing is, you can love some people from afar, without them knowing and that's ok too. If you choose to stay in a RS because you love that person, you should only stay if you know that person loves you back. They have to make you feel loved too. They have to put forth an effort too. 50/50...nope...100/100.

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It takes two people to have love and your girlfriend is on the verge of sleeping with another man if it has not happened already. You know what she is doing . You do not have to prove it in a court of law.

If you do not listen to what virtually everyone is telling you you will pay the price

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