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Unsuportive husband

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Okay, so I'm absolutely sure that I made the wrong decision when I decided to ditch the gym to come home and have a drink tonight. It's the first time I've ever resorted to alcohol when I had a problem, and I hope to never do it again. The problem I have is that my husband give the impression that he thinks that's better than almost everyone, including myself. I have recently made the decision to go to grad school in order to get a better/high paying career. The first time I told my husband my plan, all I heard was "well I don't think you're really going to be able to do that because it's so much work" This has been the same general impression I have gotten from him since. The truth is I don't want to be stuck in some job that I hate for the rest of my life just so that I can pay the bills. I want to do something that I will love and something that will make enough money for me to be able to provide for myself and my someday children comfortably. My husband has a family that is well off and they have recently purchased a house for us to live in. I thought it was a good idea at the time, but it seems that it has now turned into one more thing that they can all hang over my head. A few weeks ago when my husband and I were in a fight over something very stupid, he told me that I could just leave since it's not my house anyways. I responded that it wasn't his house either because his name wasn't on the title. He said back to me, "Well you know my mother would be more than happy to get you out of here". It really just killed me. It's made me resent him to no end. I hate the fact that he thinks his families money can automatically make him have more power than me. I hate that he's never had to struggle for anything in his life, and I hate that I married someone who has no idea what it's like to have no money. I really feel like I've made a huge mistake, and even though I love him and can't imagine life without him, I also feel like I cannot let myself live a life that is not controlled by myself. I hope I'm not ranting since I've had a few drinks, but any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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Cheers! Drink one for me.


Get to grad school as soon as possible. He has so much money he shouldn't care if you get student loans to live off of. Quit full time work and get it done as quickly as possible. I normally do not believe in credit except when it comes to education.

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Plan on leaving your husband some day. You may not feel like you are ready now but someday you will be. In the meantime go to grad school, keep things peaceful with your husband and his mother (see if you can get them to pay for your schooling) then on the day you get your degree leave your husband. Do not have kids with this guy he doesn't respect you, fights dirty and has no clue what life is about. If his family's money dissappeared tonight he'd be lost.

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Always reject the path that leads to resentment. If going to grad-school is important to you, and you feel like you'll resent him later for stopping you...then do it. You're doing him a favor. He's not going to want to deal with you after he's crushed your dreams.


This is a case of picking your battles. So, if you feel strongly about it then it's worth hashing out NOW, rather than later. ;)


Further, start planning on buying your own house. The next time he pulls that "this is my house" crap, make it cost him. The playing field really ought to be even if he feels like playing games.


Your boy is immature. But that doesn't mean he can't learn. ;)

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