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Save friendship or suffer heartbreak?


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I recently proposed my close friend , she said she dont love me , I felt huge hurt , I argued on some past issues when she was pretending as if she loves me . She ended up saying " You destroyed our friendship " .

What should i do ? Should i go back , say sorry to her & ask her to be friend? Or should i leave her because she dont love me ?

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I would go back to her and apologize to her for taking that step in asking her for a hand in marriage.You can let her know that you didn't intend on ruining y'all friendship at all, you just felt like she was the one that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. Also let her know that you would love to just be friends with her if that's the only way she'll continue to be in your life.Needless to say,give her some space for a little while because you asking her that may have scared her off a little.

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