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Did I do something wrong here?


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Ok, so I went out to clubbing with two friends who I have several mutual friends with. My friend (guy) was planning on hitting the other friend, but he introduced me to a female acquaintance who it turns out we have a few mutual friends with. Chatted with her for a few mins and we got along no problem. Soo there were four of us dancing in a group and my friend starting grinding and stuff on the other friend, so myself and this new female acquaintance were just dancing and ignoring what was going on.


At this point, we were dancing side by side awkwardly so I approached her from the front and danced for a bit facing her. She smiled at me so I held her hands, did a little push and pull dance, and started front grinding. Lasted about 5 mins and no words exchanged. I hugged her really tight at one point and she squeezed me back so I thought it was going well.


Then she said she had to leave like 5 mins after dancing so I ended up being a wheeler for the whole night. Now she (the female acquaintance) did mention well before dancing that she had to get up early the next day and told me at one point she was sobering up quickly, but this 5 minute timing is really bothering me. Am I over-analyzing this or is there something that I screwed up? Also, there is a fairly good chance I might see her again - should I avoid dancing with her then?

Edited by whatdooidoo
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When you say "grinding," are you literally mashing your naughty bits against her or are you just dancing close? If it's the first one, that's bad manners under any circumstances.

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When you say "grinding," are you literally mashing your naughty bits against her or are you just dancing close? If it's the first one, that's bad manners under any circumstances.


As in dancing while hugging kind of thing, but nothing aggressive, rubbing, or anything like that.

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I dunno then. Maybe she's just one of those girls who always acts nice even when she's not interested? Or maybe she's only momentarily distracted and will come back around.

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Am I over-analyzing this or is there something that I screwed up?


Maybe. No one here knows what she thought.


Also, there is a fairly good chance I might see her again - should I avoid dancing with her then?


No, you don't need to avoid dancing with her, maybe just don't do that one dance move where you front-grind her, whatever that means.




Also, I lol'd at "mashing your naughty bits against her is bad manners under any circumstances." This is good life advice that everyone should keep in mind.

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As in dancing while hugging kind of thing, but nothing aggressive, rubbing, or anything like that.

Yeah - I don't think that's really what the kids are calling "grinding" then, is it?

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Yeah - I don't think that's really what the kids are calling "grinding" then, is it?


Grinding is like super intense dry-humping where you don't break body contact. I think. So when I get a mental image of you grinding on her from the front while trying to dance with her, it's pretty flippin weird. Like your pelvis would be thrust out against her and writhing all up on her while the top part of your body is dancing. Lol. I'm not even sure I would be coordinated enough to do something like that without looking I'm having some kind of weird seizure-stroke on the person.


But anyway 5 mins is the duration of about one song, so it's totally possible that she did need to get going but thought it was worth it to get one last dance in, if it meant dancing with you. Or it could be that you seizure-stroked on her crotch and she ran away. You'll probably be able to tell based on her expression the next time she sees you.

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