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I cant stop thinking like this...

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Hi. When I was about 7 years old I was introduce to p*rn at that age and it stuck to me throughout my life. I'm more addicted to p*rn more than sex. I have been looking at odd p*rn lately like incest, rape, spy and granny p*rn. Never watch child or animal p*rn. Now I have a girlfriend I'm not a virgin or anything. I don't think about sex. I think about masturbation. When I'm with her we don't talk about or think about that. We just make out. The only family I'm close to is my brothers, mom and dad. Not any cousins or uncles or aunts. My gf is really family first. She says she loves her cousins and uncles and aunt and stuff. I dont know what that means. When she tells me she's with her grandpa, I think she is sleeping with him. When I see her hugging her cousin I think she is sleeping with him. It don't matter the age from 13- 60 if its a guy in her family I think she is doing incest... I know this must have to with a lot of the p*rn I watch... I'm disgusted with myself.. Really am. I really love her and for me to think this of her it hurts me. I dont want to tell her how I think she prob think im sick minded... I believe so myself that im sick... I am a born again.. I believe in GOD and I know he's working in me, he help me quit weed, cigs, and alcohol. but Im fighting this battle and its really getting to me lately.. I really hate the way I think. I need help someone to talk to.. to tell that dont know me... I hate I have to think like this... Why did I have to become so addicted to p*rn that it got to the point where I'm watching taboo p*rn sighh...

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You need to stop watching porn. It's messing with your head.


Counseling will help you cope with your jealously and obsessive thoughts that your gf is sleeping with any and every male in her family. You *know* she isn't, but your mind has convinced you that she is.

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Just created an account to reply to this specific post. As someone who has battled the addiction in the past, even though not nearly to that extent, I can sympathize with the issue.


You certainly need to let go of porn, for good. It will continue to get worse and continue to eat you away. It's no good for anyone involved - for you, anyone in your life or anyone behind the screen.


There's a lot of online resources and community to help you quit. It's an issue a lot of men are battling, unfortunately, because of how mainstream and accepting society has gotten with porn. Which is very sad to say the least, once we learn exactly the effects it has on people, relationships and the 'performers'.


Many of us have let it go, so you certainly can to. Know that there's hope and help. If you can obtain help in person, like a therapist, as other's suggested, then fantastic. Find whatever you can and do to let it go and begin healing. Good luck and if you need to talk more, feel free.

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