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Were to begin with second chance

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Hello I'm trying to figure out my best plan of approach for getting a second chance with my ex girlfriend This is the background


We were together a few months I met her a week or so after she ended a five year relationship with her previous ex he was pretty bad during breakup he kick car door in while she was in car sent me death threats vandalized her car sent million texts stuff like that


Our relations hip end with a pretty trivial fight I was the one that choose to break up about a week later I reliazed it was a mistake I tried to initiate contact with her at this point she wouldn't respond to me I sent her flowers teddy bear and her glasses which I know she need for school a few hours after receiving them she contacted me and thanked me we then spoke for two days. She then went cold two days later she said she didn't want to make up with me I didnt beg but I did rationalize with her to reconsider at which time she said she need some time to get her head straight I immediatly put her sons bicycle togethrr and dropped at her house the next day she was like what's the rush I told her I wanted to give her space and if in end it didn't work out I didn't want her son to lose out on his bike i then went no contact


After two weeks of no contact I had an issue where my car was vandilsed and I contacted her i. Text said I hope all is well im having an issue my car was vandilsed was wondering if could be ex related and are you having any issues. She contacted back said was deffinatly no related


I waited another week till after holiday to intiate contact I sent her text stating I was going thru my fb came across picture of me and her. And hope all was well she replied all was good and sorry about my car


This is were I messed up. I contacted her the next day then became the typical idiot ex I kept blowing her phone up with text then she said with work school son and homework she just didn't have time and was not interested in seeing anyone and said we would never make up I begged pleaded and got angry got jealous everything wrong I know. I never showed up at random places or house and never contacted any of her friend or family like crazy person but she then contacted me next day we spoke for hours like nothing wrong between us which made me think was hope I contacted ger again she blocked me on fb ig and phone


It's now almost a month since that contact im. Over her now I no longer need her in my life. I've since went out on numerous date with five diffrent girls my ex knows that I went out with atleast one im comfortable nie and have a life without her but weight things out and her qualities do and how well she treated me i want her.back. And I need help. With intiating contact the right way. I'm thinking a hand written letter is my only option here. But how would I go about it

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That relationship is over, gone, finished, ended, concluded, terminated, closed, non-existent, dissolved, expired, discontinued, stopped, wound up, wrapped up, and run out.


Do you get what I'm trying to tell you?


Move on.

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3 words:






Happy 2015 - here beginneth the rest of your life - grab it while it's hot!!

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So what?


That's just to see if YOU will be lurking and checking on HER.


That's her ego looking for gratification, not her looking for reconciliation.


Read the No Contact Guide.

it's all explained in there.


Don't grasp at straws, it's pointless.

Edited by evanescentworld
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If you do things as you should (Read the Guide - it's all in there!!) then she should never be able to get hold of you again - either really, or metaphorically!

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