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Should I try to help our friendship? Or let it go since she has been a B*tch?


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hey hey everyone. This might sound so stupid compared to other people's dilemas, but help me if you can!


I have been best friends with "Nicole" for about 5 years. She has always been an awesome, outgoing fun person. But for the last two years she has turned into a completely different person. She talks down to me all the time-calling me a slut, skank constantly in front of everyone. For the record, I don't think i am a "skank" because I've had the same boyfriend for almost 2 years. Sure we do stuff that couples do, but he is the only serious person I have every been with. On the other hand, she messes around with random guys, talks about sex constantly, and to top it off she has done no more than what I have done sexually if not more. So why does she feel the need to bring me down publically all the time?

My family has told me that she is probably jealous of my boyfriend. However, I have done a very good job the past two years of maintaining my friendship with her and keeping everything equal between her and my bf.

She would complain however that I never told her anything that went on between me and my bf. well, my bf and I never fight all that much so I dont have drama to complain or to tell about. But the stuff I did tell her, like when my bf and I lost our virginitys she felt the need to tell the entire world!! completely embarassed me! If I tell her anything else that goes on she makes a point to make fun of me for it in front of everyone around us.

Another thing. I know I have more book smart than I do common sense at times, but she constantly is telling me how stupid I am, how "retarded" I am and that i am a Dumb Sh*t. Again all of this is publically. My family also thinks this could be jealousy because I have worked hard to maintain a 3.9 GPA. But again? Why is she such a b*tch about it? I have never ever been mean to her. If she angers me I keep quiet. I listen to all her problems, help her when she needs it, and try to be a good friend. But I am rethinking it all.

Another thing that bothers me is that she uses me constantly. This past week we have been out of school. I asked if she wanted to hang out like 3 times. each time i got a "sorry i have plans". she had no interest in doing anything with me. But the other day when i called her to see if she wanted to go to the mall, she called back only to see if i could give her a ride to work since her car was down. It was completely out of my way but i did it to help her. The ride to work she didn't say anything. Not even a thank you! she just talked about herself and the partying she did the previoius night. I asked her if she wanted to hang out and of course I got the "sorry i have plans". It didn't bother me, but when she had the nerve to ask me to give her a ride to her friends house so that her and her friend could go party (the house was out of my way too) i gave her a firm no. I have given in to her too much. I am ashamed of myself for letting her walk all over be and treat me like im some low peice of sh*t. I haven't done anything to hurt her because she has been my friend and i care about her. But not i just don't know what to do. I am tired of the names: slut,whore,skank,dumbass,dumb****, etc. you name it, she's called me it for no reason. I don't feel like I deserve this. But she is really one of my only close "friends". My family and bf don't like her because of the way she treats me. I have spent hours crying over some things.


I know all of you are thinking "why don't you just tell her no" or tell her to shut up. Well, I have been. It has taken be a while to learn to stand up for myself. I know its sad, but I in the past i have just been her doormat and taken all the mean things she says to me because I didn't know what to do. She in a way is my "gateway" friend. All of my other friends are her friends too and so on. I will be in college next year, and definently plan to make new friends. But in the meantime, im torn. Should I try to rebuild our relationship or just not worry about it since she has been so mean to me? sorry this is long! Thank you!

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i forgot to mention she has been on anti-depressants and sleeping medicine for the past year. I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but just a FYI

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