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Boyfriend's Problem


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I have been seeing my boyfriend for 10 months now. He has a proble with his erection every time he is using a condom. So the only time we can make love is when not using it, during those infertile days of the month. I was considering taking pills, what are the risks associated with the pills?


I am still wandering, why is it so hard to him to maintaing erection using condoms? is it fear? He is 24 years old. Exercises regularly. I love him too much, and there is no way I will use it against him, but I am little scared about getting pregnant.

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I am a male and I know exactly how he feels. Condoms do the same to me. I just like the natural feel of it against the woman. Condoms to me, is very uncomfortable and irritating. But then again, they are a nessecity in the prevention of pregnancy process. I guess some guys are just like that. If you find a sollution to this, please let ME know too!!

I have been seeing my boyfriend for 10 months now. He has a proble with his erection every time he is using a condom. So the only time we can make love is when not using it, during those infertile days of the month. I was considering taking pills, what are the risks associated with the pills?


I am still wandering, why is it so hard to him to maintaing erection using condoms? is it fear? He is 24 years old. Exercises regularly. I love him too much, and there is no way I will use it against him, but I am little scared about getting pregnant.

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I personally, hate them. They really do decrease sensitivity a great degree, even the so-called "sensitive" ones. Please let me know also if you find a solution to this.


You might want to consider a combination of other options, such as the pill, and "pulling out."


I wish I could disagree with you, but I agree...your boyfriend isn't the only one with this "problem."

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Some guys just have a problem, psychologically and/or physically, with using condoms. Decreased sensitivity (so much so that getting an erection is tough).....or they're sorta psyched out by having a foreign object wrapped around their manhood. Or heck, maybe your boyfriend once had a bad experience with condoms (like it broke on him once during sex, and that freaked him out......or maybe he once had an embarassing time trying to put one on)........could be any number of things.


I think you are taking a lot of risks by continuing to have sex without protection, even though it's during your 'infertile period'.........Ovulation can vary each month, in some women....and because of this, her infertile days/period of cycle can vary, too.


The Pill (oral contraception) is the most effective method of birth control. You should seriously consider going to your family doctor or gynecologist and discuss with them, going on the Pill. They can explain to you the risks and benefits. They'll also explain to you how the Pill works, precautions you must take for your first pack of pills (you need to use an alternative method of birth control while on the first pack, til there's enough estrogen/progesterone in your system to work (prevent ovulation).......


Off the top of my head....the biggest side effects of the Pill (for a lot of women)....weight gain (3-4 lbs), water retention, sometimes mood swings, etc.


Some of the benefits, other than highly effective (but not 100%) birth control: for some women, it causes their breast to be slightly larger, for some....they have better complexion (those who suffer from acne).....regular periods, periods are usually less flow/shorter, etc.


If you want to know more info right now, use a search engine like Google: Click here to get to Google ......and type in Oral Contraception or.....Contraception Methods...and you'll get lots of info.


Keep in mind, though.......being on the Pill and NOT using a condom, you are not protected against Sexually Transmitted Diseases, AIDS/HIV or Hepatitis C.


For the time being, could you not try to manually stimulate your boyfriend's penis MAJORLY.....then when he's extremely erect YOU put it on him? Some guys find it quite the turn on to have their girlfriend put on the condom (which would help them maintain their erection)......


Go talk to your doctor about going on the Pill. It's much more effective than condoms anyway.


Laurynn RN

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