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Am I gettting sucked back in???


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I have a problem, And I don't know what to do, Me and my Ex have been together on and off for about 8 years. I finally ended things for good about a month ago, I couldn't take the relationship we had alot of fights and he has cheated in the past, lots of lies through out the relationship, so I ended it, we have a 7 years old daughter together, And I tryed to have no contact with him unless it was regarding our daughter and that's it! Well in the last few weeks we started talking over the phone, really getting alot, and he started telling me he missed me, and the feeling is mutual but I wanted to end this vicious circle between us so I stood my ground and just let it roll off my shoulders, Well today, I had to drop my daughter off at his place, and It was the first time we have seen eachother in 2 months. Well I ended up staying (didn't plan on it) but he was very clingy and cuddly and wanting to show alot of affection, Now my problem is for years, he broke my heart, and finally I gave up and now he is trying to get close, I don't know what to think, or what to do, cause I still want to maintain my distance, cause I don't think anything will change for us, I feel like I am getting sucked back in with him, I do care about him tons, but I just don't wnat to get caught up in the circle again. any suggestions??? why is he doing this now??

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DO NOT FALL FOR IT....Its a game...hes lonely your lonely its going to end up tragic in the end, with your heart broken once again and a few more years of your life wasted on someone who deserves none of your love, attention, and care.


WAKE UP! Its a trap, he will NEVER CHANGE!

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I have been thru the same, but we have no children. He misses you and you love him, but be strong! Once you get back, it is back to normal and you wonder why you did this. All you miss is "someone" not him. You miss the affection and attention and I have been there. Remember all the bad times and know that if you move on, you will be fine. I know it is hard, but maybe make a list of all the bad and read it when you miss him.

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