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Anyone have any good experiences with this dating app? It's very similar to Tinder (which I hate for personal reasons), but it connects you with "friends of friends" from Facebook, and gives you a few matches a day.


I have friends who have raved about it. The guys on it seem to be decent enough, and I've been matched with almost everyone whom I "liked", but I have barely received any messages from anyone. Almost radio silence from every guy, whether I message them first or not...? And the guys who did message me first/respond back didn't ask questions or carry the conversation so I stopped talking to all of them.


I'm chalking the silence up to the holidays but if this goes on after a week, I'm deleting it. I wish it were easier to meet people in real life but when you're stuck in a small town, it's not. :(

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Never heard of it. I'll do the usual casual check out but I have to say right now, the idea of it drawing from friends of friends rattles me - not only is Facebook rife with unupdated or unrevealed relationship statuses, but 2 degrees of separation is rather close to try dating within - lot of potential ruffled feathers and accidental friction with your actual friends, not to mention cross-pollination between different friend groups that you'd rather not occur.

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Friends of friends? That's a terrible idea. I just recently added the ones that live nearby. 90% live far away, and about 50% are people I don't even know; Farmville Friends and the like.

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I guess some people feel "safer" dating people to whom they have some sort of connection with through someone that they already know. I was more wondering if other people used the app and had actual conversations with people on it.


And for the record it hasn't shown me anyone that my actual (offline) friends know or have dated. So far it's shown me people who live nearby and are connected to casual acquaintances I have added on FB. I'm not going to lose sleep if I date a guy and it turns out that he also dated a girl who I went to high school with, but haven't spoken to in 10 years.


I'm more curious about the conversation aspect of the app, rather than the whole "friends of friends" thing (to each their own, but that part really doesn't bug me) since the radio silence is really strange to me.

Edited by missliss908
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Years ago there was a website where you put up profiles of your opposite sex friends and raved how wonderful they were. I think that dating website went the way of the dodo bird.


It's not the dating website that's at fault, it's the people on it. Same with marriage. It's not the piece of paper that's at fault, it's the people in the marriage!

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I'm not blaming the platform for the lack of responses, don't know how you got that from my post. I'm just curious if the people are fake since when I've joined a dating site in the past, I've always gotten messages right away. The execution is almost exactly like Tinder. It just seems strange to me is all. And people I know who have used the app/reviews on the Internet were really good. Maybe I'm just not a right fit for the app lol.

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