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Women only: What was the longest you went without any dating or sex?

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How would you know?

It gets thrown round more by guys (and other women) in the 20s the most then the 30s. There have been numerous guys on LS + those I know if real life that don't care as much as when they were younger as they realize its harder finding the right person, and have less hangups worrying about what she did 10-20 yrs ago. Some will still have an issue about it, but the hangup over what their buddies (if they knew of the girl's rep) will think or if she will cheat or they don't want to 'make a wife out of ho', isn't really there to the same extent anymore (imo).


There are plenty of lusty kinky people who don't have sex with strangers... It isn't mutually exclusive...
I know. For an older guy if an older woman dresses sexy and is DTF and is the guy considers her attractive, imo many will care less of her assumed promiscuous past than say a very modest conservative older woman.(just imo). In my experience the women who dressed sexier and had sex by date 3 I had better sex life with, but I know Its not mutually exclusive. Many women do judge a book by its cover when it comes to guys sexuality.


Yes, it does. If anything, older men are more hypocritical than younger men...is my observation.
Older people just dont have the big gossipy social circles they once had. Many people when they get older cull crappy people who don't have their best interest at heart from their life. Probably only a BFF knows the truth about her friend's raunchy sex life, though it depends how much stuff she posts social media or if she tells everyone about fwbs. I doubt if many women let work get around that they often end up in bed on the first date. I personally think the stigma is not such a deal breaker with an older guy if he's into the women (as it gets harder to find attraction as you get older). If not, then yes I agree older men can be more hypocritical because they grew up before the hookup culture, when a count > 10 then was considered on the high side.


Older women know the score... If you have....
Yes they do. I agree with what you wrote, except the fact the older guys will blab and young ones dont. Sure young/old move in different social circles but then also so do lots of people in the same age bracket. If its a small town, then yes its tricky for the woman, but if its a major metro area its easy never to bump into people ever again you slept with assuming you dont just date guys from your suburb.

Yes and older guy will not necessarily be more devoted when starting out than a younger guy, but I find some older women say they are not appreciated by men their own age but the young guys do. Those women miss the fact that the nsa vs lifetime devotion offer skews their outcome.


Maybe she doesn't like men who have NSA sex who have been single a number of years without committing to anyone. I have rejected more than a few men with that history.
I agree there are reasons. I just find it rare, as in the context of Kayalan's post...regarding an attractive woman. I've seen posts on LS with women saying they have stunning gfs who have been single for yrs with no one showing interest in them. That's like a unicorn where I live. They would have to shut themselves off emotionally to an extent and bat away regular comes ons from guys (if they had an active social life). I have known a couple of women as such (they had serious/aloof personalities), but then I'd end up hearing other info through the grape vine that they weren't quite going without. Sure its possible but it just does not seem common so guys are going to wonder, just like if a woman met a young handsome man and he said he had been single without sex for the last 4 yrs they are going to think this is weird. Edited by ascendotum
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I agree there are reasons. I just find it rare, as in the context of Kayalan's post...regarding an attractive woman. I've seen posts on LS with women saying they have stunning gfs who have been single for yrs with no one showing interest in them. That's like a unicorn where I live. They would have to shut themselves off emotionally to an extent and bat away regular comes ons from guys (if they had an active social life). I have known a couple of women as such (they had serious/aloof personalities), but then I'd end up hearing other info through the grape vine that they weren't quite going without. Sure its possible but it just does not seem common so guys are going to wonder, just like if a woman met a young handsome man and he said he had been single without sex for the last 4 yrs they are going to think this is weird.


Attractive people often get hit on less then most think. A lot of people are intimidated or too passive to hit on them.

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Attractive people often get hit on less then most think. A lot of people are intimidated or too passive to hit on them.


I know that's the reason given often and its true to an extent. For sure the struggling dudes on LS are not going to stroll up to a babe at a party/meetup group/after works drinks session and chat her up. Probably even most of the 'average joe' to 'not too bad looking' guys will shy away from trying to chat her up, especially if she is in a pack of other women which is often the case. If they were able to meet her 1 on 1 then a few of these guys would try their luck to in a casual manner. When it comes to really good looking guys, attractive women are their market. Those guys, wont feel intimidated because that's their bread & butter. The babe wont be a sure thing easy lay like other women not as hot, but they would have had good prior success to know they can go in with good shot at her.


I also find when it comes to good looking guys, women are more amicable when it comes to being chatted to...the whole leagues thing. They wont face the attitude less attractive dudes would have so they have less trepidation. It depends somewhat to on the environment. At a party a very pretty girl is absolutely going to get chatted up by a succession of guys. At a nightclub where she is in the middle of a pack of other women and she avoids eye contact then plenty of the good looking dudes will skip her for a more approachable prospect. A very attractive women going to a club/live music venue with just 1 friend and she does not have a resting bitch face, will for sure get noticed and approached by a succession of guys fueled with dutch courage.

Edited by ascendotum
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