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Women love romantic men and their talents? Mine doesn't.

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Originally posted by Tameson

Do good hearted girls who don't care about stupid things such as money, muscles exist out there?

Moimeme, this is what Tameson said and it leads me to believe that he does not considers his girlfriend to be good-hearted and is only after money and muscles. I do not think it's great that she never bought him presents, but as far as now I also don't remember what he gave as explanation for this strange behavior. Did he ever ask her? And I also don't remember if he ever answered the question if she liked classical music and only does not appreciate his playing for her when he gets into a romantic mood.


Did you see this other thread where he posted? It's the typical complain of a guy who never ever (*sigh*) gets appreciated.




I don't know, people are always talking about this book "Five love languages" by Gary Chapman, maybe he should read this.


He's dumping her and still feels the need to complain. Excuse me, if this does not indicate a so-called "nice guy". A really nice guy would have felt frustrated, and finally realized that he still likes her, but that there's a lot of incompatibility involved which don't make the relationship a true success in his eyes, but he wouldn't complain that he was a nice guy and that she used him so badly.

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First off, he did not say he was dumping her. He was entertaining the idea. His post that you quoted above is more out of frustration than anything else. I feel that way at times too when my wife acts selfish or cold. But like you women, us men have "moods" as well. That doesn't define our overall character however.


Like in my previous posts I mention that everyone is unique. Not everyone shows or expresses emotions such as another would like. I believe if those two really love each other they can get past this. This is more of an issue of communication and can be fixed easily if they goto MC.


I would almost like it to be seen as a requirement for any couple who is about to get married to see a MC. The divorce rate would go down.

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I would almost like it to be seen as a requirement for any couple who is about to get married to see a MC


Totally agree. In fact, I think couples should be required to attend, and pass, a marriage prep course in order to get the license.

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JMargel, below is a quote from this other thread where he posted. I read it as:"It's been done and it's over now."


Originally posted by Tameson

I am a nice guy and my girl saw that in me and grabbed me promising me she would not let me go.

So the question is, why did I dump her?

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Originally posted by jmargel

First off, he did not say he was dumping her. He was entertaining the idea. His post that you quoted above is more out of frustration than anything else. I feel that way at times too when my wife acts selfish or cold. But like you women, us men have "moods" as well. That doesn't define our overall character however.


Right-o! JM. It has nothing to do with her character. It has everything to do with how "into him" she is, and what he needs to feel appreciated, honored and loved.

Like in my previous posts I mention that everyone is unique. Not everyone shows or expresses emotions such as another would like. I believe if those two really love each other they can get past this. This is more of an issue of communication and can be fixed easily if they goto MC.


Bah, That I can't commend you on bro. Love is an action and you just can't force anyone to do anything. I still suggest that he find someone who enjoys and appreciates what he has to offer, that he learn to understand what his needs are, and why he has them -accepting himself through the process. Ultimately he has to understand that getting her to love him the way he wants is like asking her to stand up and sit down at the same time.

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i am also uncomfortable when serenaded in any form.


i don't even like people singing the birthday song to me.


all that aside, it sounds like you know she isn't all that great to you, so lose her.



oh and also, i had a boyfriend who thought he was a fabulous singer. he wasn't. he was offended when i didn't want to hear it. just something to think about.

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