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Question of Commitment

Psuedo Name

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Psuedo Name

ive been seeing this girl for about a month and a half


as I was talking to her she told me once that she didnt see us as boyfriend and girlfriend yet because of somethings that have happened to her with her past relationship. now i find out from one of her friends that she is dating this other guy (long-distance realtionship is what she and i have) and i dont want to believe it because i know she wouldnt do that to me, but its possible because she doesnt view me and her as commited even tho shes told me she loves me and ive told her i love her. i dont know what to do.

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psuedo name,


i find no reason for her friend to lie about her seeing another guy. this girl you are seeing is obviously not wanting the same thing as you. she doesn't want to committ. the hints have been rolling out fast and thick.


i know this hurts to hear, and it's easier said than done, but i'd dump her fast, unless you want to be the "other guy" on the side.


she is letting you dangle by a thread.


you say:


i dont want to believe it because i know she wouldnt do that to me, but its possible because she doesnt view me and her as commited


that is a contradiction in terms. you know she wouldn't do it to you, but at the same time, you are saying it's possible. i know you don't want to believe it, because it hurts. but these things do happen, even when they tell you that they love you.


just thank your lucky stars you've only been seeing her for a month and half, and not longer.


this girl can't be that great if she's dating you and another guy on-line (and God knows who else?).


spare yourself some heartache and find yourself a girl who wants you and only you. you don't deserve someone like this.

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An in person, in the flesh dating relationship will ALWAYS win out over a long distance relationship unless there is a long personal history in common or other extenuating circumstances.


She may have told you she loves you but that and a $100,000 contribution will get you a picture with the president. She has told you plain and simple she doesn't see the two of you as a couple.


You will never be a couple unless one of you moves to where the other lives.


I love you too!

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