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"Do you have a boyfriend?"

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Lack of self confidence most likely, horrible way to approach a female honestly. A guy would easily find out by just asking the girl out, if she does, she would say so (unless she is planning to cheat :eek:)

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If I'm in a situation where I know I'll continue to see a girl such as in work or school, I'll try to find out if she has a boyfriend before I ask her out.


If she has a boyfriend, then I won't ask her out and it prevents the embarrassment of her obviously knowing that I'm interested.

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I would have thought it was obvious.

Spare wheel.

Cheating chick, fickle feelings, double-dating, discover disappointment,,,,


Attempt to avoid all of the above.

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I was wondering why the need to know?


Because he fancies you a little and he would like the time and the place to fancy you some more ?

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I was wondering why the need to know?


Really. You're confused as to why a guy would question a girl about her marital/dating status? Alright then, welp maybe they're just being conversational/polite.

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If I'm in a situation where I know I'll continue to see a girl such as in work or school, I'll try to find out if she has a boyfriend before I ask her out.


If she has a boyfriend, then I won't ask her out and it prevents the embarrassment of her obviously knowing that I'm interested.


Okay that makes sense.

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Alright then, welp maybe they're just being conversational/polite.


Well, that's different than fancying me, which is why I asked. Which is it?

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Honestly, I wouldn't ask that question if I wasn't interested in the woman.


Yeah, I'm leaning towards this.

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Well, that's different than fancying me, which is why I asked. Which is it?


Surely it's possible for there to be more than one reason depending on the person :confused:? I'm not a psychic but any time I've been asked this question (or some variation of it - are you single, where's your boyfriend, etc) my common sense has generally lead me to the conclusion they were either interested or simply making conversation. It really isn't that complex a question.

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Selling Amway and would like a chance to talk with the two of you about an important business opportunity?

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I was wondering why the need to know?




they don't waste their time trying to schmooze you and impress you and asking you out only to be turned down.

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"Do you have a boyfriend?"

Why do guys always ask me this?


Men who are successful with women concentrate their efforts efficiently. While 'why' might vary, they are directly inquiring about your relationship status to both hear the words and also gauge your body language to see if it matches up with their goals. Some are looking for a single lady to date; others might be seeking out a partnered or married woman for an affair. Their reasons are generally unknown but become evident over time.


The good news is, IMO, if you're getting asked this question a lot, you're attracting assertive and direct men and, if this is the type of man you want to date or mate with, regardless of your circumstances, you're getting your target audience.

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It could be to find out whether you're single.


Or whether you don't care whether you're with someone else and will do things with them anyway.


Or to find out whether you're straight...




There are a million reasons.

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Lack of self confidence most likely, horrible way to approach a female honestly. A guy would easily find out by just asking the girl out, if she does, she would say so (unless she is planning to cheat :eek:)


Yeah I stopped bothering to ask if they had a boyfriend years ago. If they tell me they have a boyfriend I just let it roll off me like Teflon and keep going for her because a lot of the time women lie and say they have a boyfriend when they don't.


I've had some great times with girls I met who, as it turned out, actually did have boyfriends. Way I look at it is if she's going to cheat, if it's not me its going to be someone else anyway. Its her bad not mine unless the boyfriend is someone I know.

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I prefer asking "are you seeing anyone". Sexual politics, morals and language these days are in such a ****ed up state particularly with the younger crowd that they may be seeing someone, or a number of people, while still considering themselves single, and certainly not having a boyfriend. My own sister when I'd enquire after her friends (whether out of actual interest or politeness before an engagement) used to pull this **** and it frankly annoyed me. Literally, having their own opinions on what "single" or "boyfriend" even means, regardless of any established sense behind it, and in my opinion, misleading people deliberately as a result. "Yes she's single... She's seeing 3 guys but she's single, definitely no boyfriend, god no".

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