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Pleasing my man


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When a woman is on top of the man during sex, how can she make it so the man feels just as much pleasure as she does. When i am "riding" my boyfriend, he doesnt make much noise so i cant tell whether it feels good to him or not. Oh yeah, and how can i get my boyfriend to talk during sex, not necessarily dirty but just talking. He doesnt even moan or anything when he gets off . Sincerely a woman wanting to please her man. Any Advice???????????????

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I am quite sure you are pleasing him. Sincere silence is much more desireable than fake moans. You can be sure he would suggest other positions if he wasn't real happy.


There are a lot of people who prefer the more silent variety of sex over the noisy, back scratching kind.


I have never talked to a lady during sex, oh, maybe a word or two here and there but nothing more than that. I usually save conversation for other more appropriate times. I guess during orgasm...that would be a really good time to ask her to loan me some money though. Good thought.


Now if you're just wanting him to say a few words here or there about how he's enjoying himself, let him know. Some people's brains just can't do two things well at the same time...like talking and enjoying sex.

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Sincere silence is much more desireable than fake moans.


You can be sure he would suggest other positions if he wasn't real happy.


that is so very true. not to mention some people hold in their moans so they're not heard by anyone else! that can be quite embarrassing for some.


Some people's brains just can't do two things well at the same time...like talking and enjoying sex.


and some people are so focused on the person they having sex with that they don't feel the need to talk. they're enjoying it totally. that's what i'm like, and i'm sure many others.

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