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LDR gf too insecure to send a selfie

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Where is Nev and Max when you need them? But seriously OP after reading every post on this thread I tend to agree with most posters that the girl has either gained a lot of weight or Is a COMPLETELY different person than you think you have known for the past 9 years. You need to give her an ultimatum and threaten to cut off contact and maybe she will come clean about what she is hiding. Keep us updated.

Good luck.

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There is something she is very insecure about physically. No.Doubt.About.It.


See has likely also fabricated some things.


You are making excuses for her, but lets be real, you posted this question here because you know her behavior isn't logical.


This online stuff is not a substitute for real life, and it is keeping you for real life intimacy. Actually I would go as far to say both or you shouldn't be continuing this unless you make some real exchange soon.

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"25 days" "within February"

Well, I say it's 2 months to the end of February, not 25 days! That'd be by the end of January.


1) Do you know her home address?

2) Do you know where she works?

3) Do you know her work address?

4) Have you tineyed the pictures she sent you? https://www.tineye.com


If you don't know any of the answers to the questions 1 to 3, if you find her pictures under someone else's name, if you don't know anyone else that knows her IRL, you will know you've been catfished.


I'm a woman, and I can tell you that a gain weight of 5 kg or even 10 kg has nothing to do with taking pictures of your face. She could take pictures of her face, hair, whatever about herself. If she were insecure about her looks, she could start taking pictures of her room, her home, something about herself. Go that route and see what happens.

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I thought id give a little update. She was the one to end everything when i took everything up in a good manner. She was guilt tripping herself because she felt she didnt deserve me and i was too nice and she wasn't good at all, and too good for her. So there are no more worries and i wasn't catfished in that sense. But she was hiding things. But that's because i think now that she suffers from manic depressions and hasn't got over her past and many other things, so she never really managed to open up to anyone, even me. She has been hiding alot, but that's mostly emotional and mental stuff. But that's out of my worries now, she has herself to be thankful for ending it and i'm not even sad, thats amazing. I did what i could to make her open up, but she just gave up on trying to fix herself and gave up on us/me in the process. So it's all her loss not mine. But no more worries from my side im happy i don't have to think about it anymore.

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I thought id give a little update. She was the one to end everything when i took everything up in a good manner. She was guilt tripping herself because she felt she didnt deserve me and i was too nice and she wasn't good at all, and too good for her. So there are no more worries and i wasn't catfished in that sense. But she was hiding things. But that's because i think now that she suffers from manic depressions and hasn't got over her past and many other things, so she never really managed to open up to anyone, even me. She has been hiding alot, but that's mostly emotional and mental stuff. But that's out of my worries now, she has herself to be thankful for ending it and i'm not even sad, thats amazing. I did what i could to make her open up, but she just gave up on trying to fix herself and gave up on us/me in the process. So it's all her loss not mine. But no more worries from my side im happy i don't have to think about it anymore.


OP, you are better off. I don't buy for one hot second that this girl is who she claimed to be.

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she doesn't want to send a picture, as if revenge porn wasn't bad enough, vengeful exes publish superimposed nude bodies with the dumpers face


you are asking a lot


What you are saying does not make much sense, she has already shown him some pictures. So the cat is out of the bag, and if she thinks he is the type of guy to do something like that out of revenge she shouldn't be with him. If he WAS the type, well, she already has shown him pictures on more then one occasion.


He is asking a lot? No, that also makes no real sense. This is someone he has been with for 5 months, and asking for a selfie or something is "asking a lot" ? He's not asking for a nude picture or anything.


To be honest, this more sounds like the pictures she showed him weren't her. Why else the need to avoid selfies or live chats? I don't buy the "she is just insecure" thing. If you are too insecure to send a picture then you will NEVER be secure enough with yourself to ever actually meet up in person. If you are never going to meet up in person the relationship is pointless. So if she isn't playing games and was truly just that insecure then the OP still would need to walk away.


EDIT: Seeing the latest update, this chick pulled the "I am dumping you, but it is totally my loss!" thing on him. Ah, classy. Yep, the OP dodged a bullet. Only crazy people pull the "I am dumping you because I don't deserve you" thing.

Edited by Spectre
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