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Unsure if she likes me

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She is like me, for the most part. We both sing, have a background in a fire department we are workaholics, and have a background in science. The person a lot of the time being indifferent. Their startling admission to me was when their car died, their number one pick for school denied them she spent all day crying due to what happened. When she told me and my one other friend, she put her arm on my shoulder and I just grabbed her waist to give her a side hug to comfort her and later texted that night if she needs anyone to talk to that my line is always open. Her reply was "thank you, I appreciate it". They are in my Spanish class, and if memory serves me correct they would call me joking once a week a stalker, and a would punch me once in my left arm every week for the past few weeks. There was one night she challenged me to thumb wrestling and she won, then she had me arm wrestle her once with each arm. The day of our final, she drove me (since my class went to a restaurant) and we sat next to each other but that was unplanned. She showed me a photo from when she was overweight and said she never shows people that photo and my reply to her is "since then you've gotten cuter" and her reply was "aw" and week before showed me a baby photo of herself. When she was driving me home we were talking about two friends she lost a few months before I met her and I again told her again, I am always free to talk and she replied back again with "thanks I appreciate that". She told me she may never get over those two (as one was her friend and the other was to be her lover) and a week prior told me about how one of the people she lost, they were about a month from making he relationship official, which is why I want to tread very lightly. When I got home, we talked for a few minutes and then she gave me criss-cross hug that lasted about 3seconds as if she was about to leave but we spent the next 20 minutes just talking. She told me that when a local wing joint goes 24-hours in the summer to expect a phone call for Wings at 3am since she I knows I am up late. In June, we went with a friend from class to a boardwalk by us, we had a great time. Later on that day, There was a group walking down the middle of the boardwalk so our mutual friend walked to the other side of the boardwalk while she and nudged me out of the way and I nudged her back to our mutual friend while she was nudging me back slightly. I lost the ten dollars when I told her that I'll pay her the ten dollars if she’d were to do the Cotton-Eyed on the boardwalk since we heard it and I didn’t expect her to do it but she did it. She made at a comment later on about how if i were too look up at the celling (mirrored) I could look down her dress, I said that I could, but I was too polite to do so. Later that evening, when we we’re about to part ways I said along the lines “I wonder what her perfume smelt like since I did not catch a wif of it, ” in regards to the perfume she was wearing, She also told me her bra size. Just a simple spay in the air would worked but she sprayed it twice on me. She sprayed my arm and my shirt. In July, I saw her in the opening night performance she was in that our college did put together. I had bought a front-row ticket and brought her flowers. After the show when we saw her, she told me that she was glad I showed up, now after I gave her the flowers she gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek, suffice to say she loved them and also gave me a side hug, and we went with our friends to Applebee’s and we both ordered the same exact menu item. And when we parted ways we talked for about twenty minutes and when she gave me a hug, she again kissed my cheek and i lifted her up mid hug and kissed her cheek also, but when she was at applebee’s she told me she told me that the first scene she did was some what difficult for her in the show from what they have to do as everyone enters the threatre (they stare at you entering in due to the nature of the show) and They have to stay stationary. She told me that she saw the flowers and she become happy and wanted to laugh. She saw me after the show and gave me a big hug, so again I lifted her up. I went back to see the show that weekend the day before i went on vacation and brought a friend with me. She asked me to film the show for her parents so i did film the show. She came over to us and I introduced my friend to her, and gave her a side hug, when she came out from changing we were about to leave and the funny thing was that the actor who plays lead calls her over by shouting “-her name- and boyfriend”. When we were in the parking lot, we both sang one of the songs from the show and I brought two colognes along so she could smell them, I had gotten them as gifts, and she told me which one she liked. She then sprayed me with the one she liked. Now once we head over to the local boardwalk, she told me that she did not want to run into her her ex and basically if we were to run into him, I would of played the part of the boyfriend. We went to the arcades and had a little skee ball contest, from there we walked the boardwalk, and went back to the arcade where she had 155,000 points to redeem them. I told her 155,000 points and she can get a duplicate of me She told me that she did not want a duplicate of me Because she likes "our moments”. When we were redeeming her points she said she was cold and she put her hand up my shirt sleeve for warmth, and at various times though-out the time at the boardwalk she was messing around with my hair. We parted ways at my house, She gave me a hug and I started to show her footage from from the show and she thus put her head on my shoulder and it one point during that, I kissed her forehead. She kept her head on my shoulder until My brothers and sister came out to clean my sisters car and we stopd up and started to talk about the show. She gives me a hug and I lift her up and we continue talking, and when we finally say goodbye for the evening about 20 minutes later she gives me another hug and kisses my cheek and tells me to stay in touch and that I am invited up to where she was moving to for Storms, visits, when I am in the area and media event and that I can stay over and that I have a place to stay, and that she wanted me to text her when i safely get to the hotel and to my vacation destination which I did. We talked and texted until the next time I saw her which was a few months later. She stayed where she was for thanksgiving so i skyped with her a few nights to keep her company and to play my trip to visit her. When I visited her, I went to the basket ball game that her school was hosting, since she was working that night, she gave me her car keys to put my luggage in her car. Later one that evening I gave her the gifts I had gotten her for christmas. I got her a new Sync cable for her phone because she needed one, I also got her a Starbucks gift card, and the show she was in on Blu-ray. One night during Skype, she told me (sleep deprived) the type of perfume she likes so I got her that as a surprise gift. When I gave her the two first gifts, she gave me a nice hug, when I gave her the perfume (wrapped up; Type of hug http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_makmf3HEI81rh8rcco1_500.jpg) (I had a set budget per/person so that is why I got her a few items). later on the week, she noticed i had an as she put it an “Awesome back”. She said if i lost weight with my back I would be a 'beefcake'. (I am about 35-45lbs over weight) Though out the remainder of the week, she decided to give me pointers on women. One day, I don’t recall what we we’re talking about in her car, but our friend was in the back seat. We get to the apartment complex and she asked me “Are you a virgin?” and I deferred my answer because I would rather tell her privately if I am or if I am not then have some one else who before the trip I spent 5 minutes with total. since I have different trust levels with them both and if our mutual friend wasn’t there, I would of told her point blank) and then around dinner time got asked again if I was a virgin, gave the answer in Japanese (she knew what I said as I did not know she knew what it was in Japanese). Afterwards came stories and I got to explain my dating history. My one Girlfriend, then the girl who tried to get me to have a kid with her even though she is 4 years older than me, and an close friend of mine who tried to have me move in with her. That night I heard the tales of a few **** buddies of my friends, and past relationships and how many men she had slept with. I answered in Japanese and she was able to figure it out, she was i would say surprised i answered in a different tongue. She did ask me if i had done it with my ex and/or if why I never did it with her. A few days later my friend broke his phone screen. So we went to the mall to get his on phone screen replaced and were able to talk the guy down the in price the next day with his old phone trade in. So we went to hot topic and her saw that she wanted to get but at a later day Harley Quinn underwear and top set and later on in a discussion about how she can apparently talk anyone into anything she tried to get me to buy them for her. Well that evening I offered to cover half of the phone screen repair cost as my Xmas gift to my friend. Well I decided that I needed to get her something else but did know what well I knew we were going to the mall again the next day. So I went back to get his phone screen replaced and we walked around the mall, I told her I was going to go back to hot topic to get my sister a gift (I got her a $20 dollar gift card; and needed to spend 10 more for a gift certificate worth $15) so I got her the underwear and top set and later after the phone was fixed went back to her apartment. Once I gave her the gift, she game be another full body hug (best way to describe it again http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_makmf3HEI81rh8rcco1_500.jpg or exactly the same hug I got from the perfume) A few minutes later after opening them she said to me (and my friend can confirm this) 'I love you' I replied 'I love you too’. Well, after helping her move some heavy items, she put me in a chock hold (She told me she wanted to wrestle me a few weeks prior) I submitted within 5 seconds. I put her in a hold and she swing her head back and stopped and said "if i continued, I could break your nose" Then in one of the holds she then grabbed my index finger and told me bent it back saying again "if i continued, I could break your finger." Mind you our friend was watching this. I put her into another hold and for sympathy she tried to fake cry out of it (she even said she would fake cry) well with my back turned against our friend. he had enough of it and flogged me. Well, I shouted when he hit me with the wire 'OH JOHANNA OH MY GOD!' (Mind you we all are theatre people and I filmed her and my friend in The show they did, has a song that no-one ever does is a reprise of Johanna, where one character flogs himself into an orgasm) So I grabbed the 'OH JOHANNA OH MY GOD!' idea from the cut song. She just breaks out laughing and our friend leaves her room and goes up stairs embarrassed. Earlier in the she did my hair (she offered to do it) and later that night starting playing with my hair after we wrestled. Later after that she smacked me, and i playfully smacked her back, it was like a moment from cheers (with out the verbal comments

) There were 5 smacks total, she started and ended it. Well the next morning She smiled when I told her about what my thought about her was when I first met her. We took a selfie together and she drove me back to the train station and I proceeded on my way back to my home. We are planning the next trip for me to visit her and or possibly for her to visit me. She had told me that one of her co-wokers she has caught calling them my name at times, and that I have a Doppelgänger on the way I sound and personality wise in one of her classes. Edited by JMET
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She is like me, for the most part. We both sing, have a background in a fire department we are workaholics, and have a background in science. The person a lot of the time being indifferent. Their startling admission to me was when their car died, their number one pick for school denied them she spent all day crying due to what happened. When she told me and my one other friend, she put her arm on my shoulder and I just grabbed her waist to give her a side hug to comfort her and later texted that night if she needs anyone to talk to that my line is always open. Her reply was "thank you, I appreciate it". They are in my Spanish class, and if memory serves me correct they would call me joking once a week a stalker, and a would punch me once in my left arm every week for the past few weeks. There was one night she challenged me to thumb wrestling and she won, then she had me arm wrestle her once with each arm.


The day of our final, she drove me (since my class went to a restaurant) and we sat next to each other but that was unplanned. She showed me a photo from when she was overweight and said she never shows people that photo and my reply to her is "since then you've gotten cuter" and her reply was "aw" and week before showed me a baby photo of herself. When she was driving me home we were talking about two friends she lost a few months before I met her and I again told her again, I am always free to talk and she replied back again with "thanks I appreciate that". She told me she may never get over those two (as one was her friend and the other was to be her lover) and a week prior told me about how one of the people she lost, they were about a month from making he relationship official, which is why I want to tread very lightly. When I got home, we talked for a few minutes and then she gave me criss-cross hug that lasted about 3seconds as if she was about to leave but we spent the next 20 minutes just talking. She told me that when a local wing joint goes 24-hours in the summer to expect a phone call for Wings at 3am since she I knows I am up late.


In June, we went with a friend from class to a boardwalk by us, we had a great time. Later on that day, There was a group walking down the middle of the boardwalk so our mutual friend walked to the other side of the boardwalk while she and nudged me out of the way and I nudged her back to our mutual friend while she was nudging me back slightly. I lost the ten dollars when I told her that I'll pay her the ten dollars if she’d were to do the Cotton-Eyed on the boardwalk since we heard it and I didn’t expect her to do it but she did it. She made at a comment later on about how if i were too look up at the celling (mirrored) I could look down her dress, I said that I could, but I was too polite to do so. Later that evening, when we we’re about to part ways I said along the lines “I wonder what her perfume smelt like since I did not catch a wif of it, ” in regards to the perfume she was wearing, She also told me her bra size. Just a simple spay in the air would worked but she sprayed it twice on me. She sprayed my arm and my shirt.


In July, I saw her in the opening night performance she was in that our college did put together. I had bought a front-row ticket and brought her flowers. After the show when we saw her, she told me that she was glad I showed up, now after I gave her the flowers she gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek, suffice to say she loved them and also gave me a side hug, and we went with our friends to Applebee’s and we both ordered the same exact menu item. And when we parted ways we talked for about twenty minutes and when she gave me a hug, she again kissed my cheek and i lifted her up mid hug and kissed her cheek also, but when she was at applebee’s she told me she told me that the first scene she did was some what difficult for her in the show from what they have to do as everyone enters the threatre (they stare at you entering in due to the nature of the show) and They have to stay stationary. She told me that she saw the flowers and she become happy and wanted to laugh. She saw me after the show and gave me a big hug, so again I lifted her up.


I went back to see the show that weekend the day before i went on vacation and brought a friend with me. She asked me to film the show for her parents so i did film the show. She came over to us and I introduced my friend to her, and gave her a side hug, when she came out from changing we were about to leave and the funny thing was that the actor who plays lead calls her over by shouting “-her name- and boyfriend”. When we were in the parking lot, we both sang one of the songs from the show and I brought two colognes along so she could smell them, I had gotten them as gifts, and she told me which one she liked. She then sprayed me with the one she liked.


Now once we head over to the local boardwalk, she told me that she did not want to run into her her ex and basically if we were to run into him, I would of played the part of the boyfriend. We went to the arcades and had a little skee ball contest, from there we walked the boardwalk, and went back to the arcade where she had 155,000 points to redeem them. I told her 155,000 points and she can get a duplicate of me She told me that she did not want a duplicate of me Because she likes "our moments”. When we were redeeming her points she said she was cold and she put her hand up my shirt sleeve for warmth, and at various times though-out the time at the boardwalk she was messing around with my hair.


We parted ways at my house, She gave me a hug and I started to show her footage from from the show and she thus put her head on my shoulder and it one point during that, I kissed her forehead. She kept her head on my shoulder until My brothers and sister came out to clean my sisters car and we stopd up and started to talk about the show. She gives me a hug and I lift her up and we continue talking, and when we finally say goodbye for the evening about 20 minutes later she gives me another hug and kisses my cheek and tells me to stay in touch and that I am invited up to where she was moving to for Storms, visits, when I am in the area and media event and that I can stay over and that I have a place to stay, and that she wanted me to text her when i safely get to the hotel and to my vacation destination which I did. We talked and texted until the next time I saw her which was a few months later. She stayed where she was for thanksgiving so i skyped with her a few nights to keep her company and to play my trip to visit her.


When I visited her, I went to the basket ball game that her school was hosting, since she was working that night, she gave me her car keys to put my luggage in her car. Later one that evening I gave her the gifts I had gotten her for christmas. I got her a new Sync cable for her phone because she needed one, I also got her a Starbucks gift card, and the show she was in on Blu-ray. One night during Skype, she told me (sleep deprived) the type of perfume she likes so I got her that as a surprise gift. When I gave her the two first gifts, she gave me a nice hug, when I gave her the perfume (wrapped up; Type of hug http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_makmf3HEI81rh8rcco1_500.jpg) (I had a set budget per/person so that is why I got her a few items). later on the week, she noticed i had an as she put it an “Awesome back”. She said if i lost weight with my back I would be a 'beefcake'. (I am about 35-45lbs over weight) Though out the remainder of the week, she decided to give me pointers on women.


One day, I don’t recall what we we’re talking about in her car, but our friend was in the back seat. We get to the apartment complex and she asked me “Are you a virgin?” and I deferred my answer because I would rather tell her privately if I am or if I am not then have some one else who before the trip I spent 5 minutes with total. since I have different trust levels with them both and if our mutual friend wasn’t there, I would of told her point blank) and then around dinner time got asked again if I was a virgin, gave the answer in Japanese (she knew what I said as I did not know she knew what it was in Japanese). Afterwards came stories and I got to explain my dating history. My one Girlfriend, then the girl who tried to get me to have a kid with her even though she is 4 years older than me, and an close friend of mine who tried to have me move in with her. That night I heard the tales of a few **** buddies of my friends, and past relationships and how many men she had slept with. I answered in Japanese and she was able to figure it out, she was i would say surprised i answered in a different tongue. She did ask me if i had done it with my ex and/or if why I never did it with her.


A few days later my friend broke his phone screen. So we went to the mall to get his on phone screen replaced and were able to talk the guy down the in price the next day with his old phone trade in. So we went to hot topic and her saw that she wanted to get but at a later day Harley Quinn underwear and top set and later on in a discussion about how she can apparently talk anyone into anything she tried to get me to buy them for her. Well that evening I offered to cover half of the phone screen repair cost as my Xmas gift to my friend. Well I decided that I needed to get her something else but did know what well I knew we were going to the mall again the next day. So I went back to get his phone screen replaced and we walked around the mall, I told her I was going to go back to hot topic to get my sister a gift (I got her a $20 dollar gift card; and needed to spend 10 more for a gift certificate worth $15) so I got her the underwear and top set and later after the phone was fixed went back to her apartment. Once I gave her the gift, she game be another full body hug (best way to describe it again http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_makmf3HEI81rh8rcco1_500.jpg or exactly the same hug I got from the perfume) A few minutes later after opening them she said to me (and my friend can confirm this) 'I love you' I replied 'I love you too’.


Well, after helping her move some heavy items, she put me in a chock hold (She told me she wanted to wrestle me a few weeks prior) I submitted within 5 seconds. I put her in a hold and she swing her head back and stopped and said "if i continued, I could break your nose" Then in one of the holds she then grabbed my index finger and told me bent it back saying again "if i continued, I could break your finger." Mind you our friend was watching this. I put her into another hold and for sympathy she tried to fake cry out of it (she even said she would fake cry) well with my back turned against our friend. he had enough of it and flogged me. Well, I shouted when he hit me with the wire 'OH JOHANNA OH MY GOD!' (Mind you we all are theatre people and I filmed her and my friend in The show they did, has a song that no-one ever does is a reprise of Johanna, where one character flogs himself into an orgasm) So I grabbed the 'OH JOHANNA OH MY GOD!' idea from the cut song. She just breaks out laughing and our friend leaves her room and goes up stairs embarrassed. Earlier in the she did my hair (she offered to do it) and later that night starting playing with my hair after we wrestled. Later after that she smacked me, and i playfully smacked her back, it was like a moment from cheers (with out the verbal comments

) There were 5 smacks total, she started and ended it. Well the next morning She smiled when I told her about what my thought about her was when I first met her. We took a selfie together and she drove me back to the train station and I proceeded on my way back to my home.


We are planning the next trip for me to visit her and or possibly for her to visit me. She had told me that one of her co-wokers she has caught calling them my name at times, and that I have a Doppelgänger on the way I sound and personality wise in one of her classes.

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