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Checking you out....

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Ok, when I was a kid, my sisters and I would walk around and flip off people who were staring at us....We had a big German Shepard doggy and would threaten to have her attack them if they didn't stop. We also used to call 911 from public phones and make prank calls :laugh:


Yes, we were bad kids...


Anywho, my question is: What is it about staring that unnerves us?


I mean, I watch stalking shows, have been stalked and/or received unwanted advances and some how lots of stalkers have this thing where they just "stare" at people.:mad:


Now, there's also the cuteness that we all feel when it's an object of our affection checking us out. I mean, looking through the corner of your eye and catching them looking at you, blushing, coooing - it's part of attraction, getting someone to notice you're interested, etc.:love:


So, what is it about people looking at us that can affect us so much? I mean, they're just looking.


Sometimes I wonder if the whole "It's not polite to stare" thing came from possible issues with looking at people?

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Light Breeze

I think it's the "focusing on you" part of staring that's affecting us.


Let's say when a creep stares at you, then you freak out because he's "focusing" on you. Same goes for crushes when they do that then you feel like a million bucks. :)

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Anywho, my question is: What is it about staring that unnerves us?



Its an unspoken threat. Watch any nature program we are not the only creatures to have stare downs...


Staring implies aggression. I am immediately on guard and ready to fight if need be when I realise someone is staring at me. I then concentrate on the perceived threat and prepare for action to protect against that threat.


Its nature.


A crush tends to look away in between stare sessions and not just actively stare so its not so threatening.


"Its not polite to stare" as its a form of threatening behaviour and can easily cause fights.

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