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Depressed ( Updated )

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Obviously your friends don't meet your emotional needs.





I can be depressed about it one day and not the other.


This post was like last week when I was feeling down now ive been fine again...


No you're right my friends dont meet my romantical need why would they? they're my friends.

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hey op I totally understand what you going through. I been devorced for 10 years now my daughter now 13y. My life is perfect, just not easy to find that someone to fit in. I would love to have another child cant as yet untild I find me a Husband lol


There are some days I get depressed when I think about how things just not falling into places for me. But I stay strong and keep going, I said to my self God has his own plan for me so I wil just wait and care for my blessing thats my daughter. I wish you well too :)


Thanks for posting that its nice to know someone understands

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Because you titled your thread "Depressed." What else would me and Smackie think? Perhaps "Happy and Plenty of Friends" would have been more accurate.



Because I was depressed on that day..depressed was accurate


The assumption that my life was in shambles and unhappy and lack of reading on original post of my feelings was yalls mistake.


This is why I read posts very carefully



Just because you have a great life doesn't ever immune you from feeling down. I thought my original post was pretty clear I guess not my bad.



As I said in original post, I have thrived in my single hood, Love it, But now I am missing that connection I miss what it was like to have a partner a best friend.


Sure I got friends but not that deep connection you get from a relationship where you share everything together that is what I miss and get down about sometimes. My friends cannot, will not ever be able to give me that type of connection.

Edited by Omei
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People here are so unrealistic.


It's the happy, positive cult lol.


OP, it's completely normal to experience situational depression from time to time. Being single can be difficult, and friends and family can't provide you with what a partner can.

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New age is a joke. The process is illogical and takes advantage of people at low points. It promotes uneducate thought. People need to be more scientifically literate, not believe in magical crystals and such.... it's sad what people will believe when they are hurting.


Do you know how repulsive this comes off?


Tone it down a notch, all enlightened one.

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