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Yup OLD still a waste of time

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Where I live, when I do a search for women in my area...it's pretty much a Jerry Springer line-up of show guests. Backwater people in their "moo-moo" nightgowns, slack jaws....5 kids by 5 different fathers.


I have a male co-worker that's pretty decent looking himself that has a FWB...he knew her as a friend for a while..., but would ONLY come over on some weekend to do his deed and leave....she's got like 4 kids, one of them being autistic so he'd never in a million years dream of actually dating her.


But the aforementioned women in the area is the norm in my area. Most men in this area have some kind of jail record, go muddin', NASCAR is their favorite hobby, and of course a huge use of tobacco products and other substances.


Let's just say, I think there is something vile in the water they drink in the area. LOL

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I've only skimmed the thread so I'm basing my reply on the OP:




Real life is still where real, genuine people are, if you know what you want and are patient enough to wait for it. No doubt this online stuff can work for those who really know what they want but in my experience, from looking at people around me, very few are those relationships that truly last the distance. It creates false expectations, a lot of time wasted and is sometimes used by otherwise good, well-intentioned people for some reassurance and a little bit of an ego-boost; nothing wrong with that of course, unless it's done at someone else's expenses, and not everyone is well-prepared for the fall-out - I know I'm not, and think it's an unnecessary price to pay.






So my advice to you, would be to stick to real life: it's not as daunting as you think it is, if you really know what you want and are prepared for it. If you don't get the results you expect from a real acquaintance, at least you have gotten to know someone real and if you're lucky, you'll probably get waved off with a smile; it's also a little less cold than just a few lines behind a screen, in my opinion.

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Why not look for a relationship then? One that starts out with friendship, then gets sexual. Are you a virgin? Going the FWB route is just asking for trouble.


I thought FWB would be easier? No strings attached, no expectations? :confused: As for relationships, no thanks. There's a certain line to which I trust someone, and a boyfriend steps over that line I'm afraid.



I just mean being in more places guys can find you. And have an outlet to talk to you. You could say something not so specific like just looking but add some other stuff as well that's personal and important to you. Something that gives people a healthy dose of your personality. If you tried a site that lets you do that. And then see what guys come up with to respond.


You might be surprised and find yourself vibing with someone who contacts you and you can take it from there. To wherever you want to take it. I just think sometimes about all the great experiences I would have missed if I didn't put myself out there and it's horrific to think about No. =/ The guy that will not only flirt with you all night but make a move when you give him the green light is probably out there.


And he may or may not be at college, but it doesn't hurt to expand the pool a little.


Places I'm pretty often would be hanging around the pedestrian zone, sitting in Starbucks (no, I don't have a smartphone stuck to my face while I'm there), sitting in McDonald's (no phone there either), the club on weekends (although since a few buddies started going there with me the chances of being approached are lowered of course, although so far nothing has happened when I was alone there either), I go to the opera alone, I go swimming alone, I go dancing alone (the studios are next to a fitness center, but so far the bedroom eyes I've got from a few muscled guys were more of a turn-off). I'm one of those rare girls that aren't surrounded by a pack of friends all the time and nothing happens.


I don't care if the guy would be in college or not. Could have a job already, could be in university, could be a guy without any degree that still makes a normal living doing his dream.


I might check out better OLD portals who allow a more individual description but I hardly think it would change anything to be honest.

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Easy.... hmmm...looks as if there a pun is actually intended.



I thought FWB would be easier? No strings attached, no expectations? :confused: As for relationships, no thanks. There's a certain line to which I trust someone, and a boyfriend steps over that line I'm afraid.





Places I'm pretty often would be hanging around the pedestrian zone, sitting in Starbucks (no, I don't have a smartphone stuck to my face while I'm there), sitting in McDonald's (no phone there either), the club on weekends (although since a few buddies started going there with me the chances of being approached are lowered of course, although so far nothing has happened when I was alone there either), I go to the opera alone, I go swimming alone, I go dancing alone (the studios are next to a fitness center, but so far the bedroom eyes I've got from a few muscled guys were more of a turn-off). I'm one of those rare girls that aren't surrounded by a pack of friends all the time and nothing happens.


I don't care if the guy would be in college or not. Could have a job already, could be in university, could be a guy without any degree that still makes a normal living doing his dream.


I might check out better OLD portals who allow a more individual description but I hardly think it would change anything to be honest.

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Easy.... hmmm...looks as if there a pun is actually intended.


Not really. Just because I'm a virgin doesn't mean I'm anti-sex. Don't want to claim this thread for myself though, my own short OLD check was enough input from my side.

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I thought FWB would be easier? No strings attached, no expectations? :confused: As for relationships, no thanks. There's a certain line to which I trust someone, and a boyfriend steps over that line I'm afraid.







Im always amazed when people don't have to have major trust to let some one stick their willy whacker in them and all the repercussions that can come from that yet any kind of commitment frightens them...:confused:


Maybe im weird but to me sex is a major trust thing and unless ive been in a relashionship with some one for a while and I feel close enough to let that happen then it won't im not saying your wrong or bad its just a observation I made while reading this..

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I dont understand, does that mean you dont trust boyfriends? I dont see FWB as "no strings attached" either, that is more for one night stands.

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Half the time a lot of FWB end up hurting more then a BF/GF situation would have at least with a real relashionship you started off with something solid and good to hold onto and hope of something more instead of just one person often getting more attached and hurt in the end..

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Unfortunately. No Limit is part of the "next generation" of "kids these days" that take such an " oh hum" attitude on dating and relationships.


Im always amazed when people don't have to have major trust to let some one stick their willy whacker in them and all the repercussions that can come from that yet any kind of commitment frightens them...:confused:


Maybe im weird but to me sex is a major trust thing and unless ive been in a relashionship with some one for a while and I feel close enough to let that happen then it won't im not saying your wrong or bad its just a observation I made while reading this..

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Unfortunately. No Limit is part of the "next generation" of "kids these days" that take such an " oh hum" attitude on dating and relationships.


Better than celebrating my war-divorce a few years down the road.


Im always amazed when people don't have to have major trust to let some one stick their willy whacker in them and all the repercussions that can come from that yet any kind of commitment frightens them...:confused:


Maybe im weird but to me sex is a major trust thing and unless ive been in a relashionship with some one for a while and I feel close enough to let that happen then it won't im not saying your wrong or bad its just a observation I made while reading this..


I know I have trust issues. No offense but my faith in people has been disappointed in almost every case in my past. Years later with a great friend circle who I know I can count on I most certainly won't jeopardize it by picking a FWB among the few guys in our group.



Seriously, back on topic guys. I really didn't want to take over the thread. :eek:

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I think it's been about 2 weeks since I quit OLD or searching for anyone in general, and well.....it feels freaking great!


I really don't see the point in finding someone, they can find me instead because I'm too busy having fun and doing everything I've always wanted to besides feeding needy egos.


Can't get rejected if you don't try ;)

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I think it's been about 2 weeks since I quit OLD or searching for anyone in general, and well.....it feels freaking great!


I really don't see the point in finding someone, they can find me instead because I'm too busy having fun and doing everything I've always wanted to besides feeding needy egos.


Can't get rejected if you don't try ;)


I've been doing some real life dating and human interaction with the opposite sex as of late....at this point, OLD is almost a forgotten memory as a result. Quite liberating.

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