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I met this guy over Christmas at a mutual friends house. We hit off, have a lot of similar interests. I could tell he was attracted to me. Well, we messaged back and forth for a while on Facebook and he was very flirty. Lots of winky faces and innuendo. Well, he told me on NYE he had plans with a friend. I was going to our mutual friends house for NYE. He said he might stop by. Well guess who shows up. The thing is the entire night he acted really strange. Barely spoke...acted very bro like towards me. Well, he left and a few days later I sent him a message basically saying I thought he was really cool and would like to get to know him. He responded that he thought I was awesome, but he interacts with my ex husband at work (they're both cops) and he wasn't comfortable pursuing it further romantically. He said he wants to.be friends. I was just like okay well cool. He kept saying, no seriously I want to be friends and hang out. I was like okay. Well a couple days on Facebook he posted about this 5k he wants to do and he else was interested. I posted that I had done it before and it was fun. He commented back saying I should run it with him. I looked up the 5k and it was ridiculously expensive and I messages him saying as much. This started a conversation over two days about running. He met me when I was still married and we ran a 5k with a big group of police people. He kept complimenting how good I looked and how impressed he was with me as a person and all this. It was a little weird, but we talked about a lot of stuff we both like doing. I'd like to be friends and hang out, but I don't want to seem like I am pursuing him romantically. I thought about giving him my # or is that inappropriate given the circumstances?

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He doesn't want to get into a mess at work, and of course this would make a mess between him and your ex and these guys might have to have each other's back someday. Not sure he'll hold out or not, but I see the logic in what he says. With so many other men in the world, it really shouldn't have to be someone who knows your ex like that.

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No I totally respect and get where he is coming from. Initially, I didn't realize they worked together so much until he said something. I wouldn't mind running and stuff with him and some of the other police peeps like he has suggested. I just didn't know how to go about it without appearing like I am pursuing more than friendship. I don't want to pursue something with him at this point beyond a friendship.

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