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Is she leading me on?

Pleasant Surprise

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Pleasant Surprise

Before reading this thread you may wanna refer to my last one.


Recently a friend of mine texted me with screenshots of a conversation that this girl had with him about me. He asked if she liked me and she said she wasn't really sure and that she wasn't looking for a serious relationship now. I tried to talk to her about it because she knows that I know and she replied with this:


"I know what you're trying to figure out just calm down. I promise it's nothing like how so and so makes it sound. I'll talk to you about it when I'm ready."


And then she told me not to stress about it.


Of course I'm stressing about it. We're still talking and stuff as usual but what she said really concerns me. I don't wanna waste my time on nothing. Either she is really unsure of her feelings or she's leading me on for the attention.


I'm not sure what to do. I don't wanna initiate another conversation about it because she told me she would when she was ready but that's so vague...

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Based on your other thread, she has concerns as to why the relationship wouldn't work, and in the other thread my input was to wait until you could have an in person conversation with her. It looks like she just gave your friend the vague reader's digest version of what she already explained to you. She just gave you specific reasoning for her feelings when she told you, and she kept it super vague when answering your friend. So I still think you need to have an in person conversation about this, and she seems to agree since she's trying to gently tell you to cool it. She already got interrogated by your friend, (which as an aside makes it look like you're so insecure that you send flying monkeys after her), and now you're coming at her wanting explanations. Definitely think you need to cool your jets and wait to have a calm conversation in person.

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