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Friend thinks I have a drug problem

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Had a talk with a friend yesterday where we ended up talking about my habit of thinking too much and getting worked up about things. She asked me what I needed to let go of things completely and I told her honestly that the only time I can completely let go and relax is when I'm either drunk or high. I think I shocked her a bit with that statement, which wasn't my intention... it probably contradicted the way she had seen me until then. In her opinion this is alarming and I should talk to someone "before it gets worse". I think this is rubbish because I rarely do these things. Not she thinks I'm in denial and playing things down. I am perfectly aware that alcohol and drugs are bad but as long as you don't use any of it on a regular base, I don't really see a problem there.

To make this clear: I have never been really drunk (never had a blackout or puked or whatever) and I don't even remember exactly the last time I've taken something because I do it so rarely. My friend's opinion is that it doesn't matter how often I do it but the reasons for doing it, so what I call "having fun" she classifies as substance abuse. I think she is overreacting but I'd like to hear your opinion.

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so what I call "having fun" she classifies as substance abuse. I think she is overreacting but I'd like to hear your opinion.


I agree with her.

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I agree with no one. Not enough information. I'm sure she can make a more convincing argument for her side than you do, so we can't really get both sides of it, without hearing from her.


Google around and do some research. Find out the symtpoms of addiction and see if they fit you. Just be wary of the site you use. I'm sure 99% of the world would be classified as alcoholics if they visited the AA page. Find a site from an unbiased source--psychologist, drug addiction specialist, etc..

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My drug experiences are limited to weed and mdma (and ritalin if you want to count that), I never felt the urge to try anything else. I went through a bad time when I was 17/18 when I was finishing school and had a lots of problems with my girlfriend at that time. I relied on caffeine pills and ritalin for studying for my exams and smoked weed any other day to relax. I realise this wasn't the best way to deal with problems but I stopped doing it after I finished school and broke up with my gf. I tried mdma for the first time shortly afterwards but then I didn't take anything for a year. In the last 1.5 years I have occasionally smoked weed and taken mdma but it's far from being a regular thing. I never had any bad experiences and I have set certain rules for myself, like never doing it alone and only buying stuff from certain friends that I know have experience with this kind of thing. I still love the feeling I get when I've used mdma but that's exactly why I rarely allow myself to do it. I think if I ever start doing it regularly might get much more suggestible and might get curious about trying other things. I have some friends who are completely relaxed when it comes to drugs and I have other friends who condemn anything that's the slightest bit illegal. So I'm kind of in between and not sure which side I'm on.

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your ok from your last reply

long as you stick to it

everyone needs some release in their life


its ok to use - not to abuse

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If the only way that you can quiet down your mind is by using a substance then I think you may have a problem.


I suggest counseling to figure out what causes your thoughts to churn. That isn't normal and use of drugs or alcohol to suppress those thoughts is not going to help the underlying issue and has the potential to make things worse. Way worse.

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I do think that if you are having so much trouble feeling at ease, then it would pay to look into some meditation or mindfulness exercises, or perhaps a bit of CBT. These can really help a lot.



I disagree with your friend...I don't believe what you've described is substance abuse...more recreational. Keep to your limits, and be smart. Understand that you cannot discuss your drug use with everyone without being judged.



With your MDMA intake...please, educate yourself as much as possible. Do not take it any more than once every three months if possible (and NEVER take it without an absolute minimum of a month break between doses). And it doesn't matter who you're buying off - you MUST purchase a test kit if you're taking drugs. Seriously, this is one of the most valuable harm reduction tools we currently have at our disposal: EZ Test for Ecstasy (Marquis reagent)



Test everything before you ingest, and please dose properly. Re-dosing as little as possible is the safest. Please look into this If you have not already. This is not something to play with if you haven't taken the time to educate yourself.



Don't mix with Ritalin either. Avoid alcohol with it.



If you have any questions at all, please let me know and I'll be happy to help. Be safe.

Edited by almond
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Yes, she's overreacting. Probably one of these people who never takes an aspirin for the once in a year headache she gets. I wouldn't worry about her, take no notice. You sound very rational and aware.

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Are you a Virgo?

No... but what does that matter?


If the only way that you can quiet down your mind is by using a substance then I think you may have a problem.


I suggest counseling to figure out what causes your thoughts to churn. That isn't normal and use of drugs or alcohol to suppress those thoughts is not going to help the underlying issue and has the potential to make things worse. Way worse.


It's not like I can't relax or deal with with everyday problems without drugs. But I don't think that anything in the world can relate to the way I feel when I'm high on MDMA. Even when I'm happy in general I tend to overthink things sometimes and probably worry a bit too much sometimes. I've tried relaxation techniques and music and the usual things but it's not comparable. I don't want to praise drugs here but everyone who's tried will understand. It's just an incredible feeling which I like to enjoy from time to him... I would love experience it more often but I don't do it because I don't want to depend on chemical substances too much.



With your MDMA intake...please, educate yourself as much as possible. Do not take it any more than once every three months if possible (and NEVER take it without an absolute minimum of a month break between doses). And it doesn't matter who you're buying off - you MUST purchase a test kit if you're taking drugs. Seriously, this is one of the most valuable harm reduction tools we currently have at our disposal: EZ Test for Ecstasy (Marquis reagent)



Test everything before you ingest, and please dose properly. Re-dosing as little as possible is the safest. Please look into this If you have not already. This is not something to play with if you haven't taken the time to educate yourself.



Don't mix with Ritalin either. Avoid alcohol with it.



If you have any questions at all, please let me know and I'll be happy to help. Be safe.


My friend, who I get it from, is a biochemist and is very educated on the topic. I don't take anything from anyone else. And we only use crystals, never pills. Never with alcohol. I sometimes take it a bit more often that you're suggesting, though.

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My friend, who I get it from, is a biochemist and is very educated on the topic. I don't take anything from anyone else. And we only use crystals, never pills. Never with alcohol. I sometimes take it a bit more often that you're suggesting, though.


Biochemist or not, if he's not testing it, he doesn't know what's in it. You cannot identify by sight, taste or smell. He's not cooking it, he's scoring it, which means you could get anything at any time. Crystals...pills...doesn't matter. The contents can be either pure or adulterated in any form. Get a test kit.



I strongly recommend reevaluating the frequency of your usage. Do some research for yourself - this isn't child's play.



Be smart and be safe :)

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Biochemist or not, if he's not testing it, he doesn't know what's in it. You cannot identify by sight, taste or smell. He's not cooking it, he's scoring it, which means you could get anything at any time. Crystals...pills...doesn't matter. The contents can be either pure or adulterated in any form. Get a test kit.



I strongly recommend reevaluating the frequency of your usage. Do some research for yourself - this isn't child's play.



Be smart and be safe :)


Telling somebody to test before taking mind-altering drugs while telling them to be smart is an oxymoron, isn't it?

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Telling somebody to test before taking mind-altering drugs while telling them to be smart is an oxymoron, isn't it?


No, not at all. People are going to engage in behaviours that come with a degree of risk- that's just a fact. Horse riding is a relatively high risk activity. It's not smart to jump on a horse drunk and without a saddle. You can minimise harm by being clever about things. If you choose to take drugs, testing them is smart. Carefully researching your dosages is smart. Taking care to not dose too frequently is also smart.



Harm reduction is the way to go. The abstinence approach has been proven time and time again to have failed.

Edited by almond
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Harm reduction is the way to go. The abstinence approach has been proven time and time again to have failed.


Abstinence is the ultimate harm reducer. So again, another oxymoron.


I'd listen to your friend OP and not somebody on the internet who tells you how to take illegal mind altering brain cell killing substances safely.


But it's your life.


Just please remember that the bad things that you do to your body in your 20s can come back to haunt you in your 40s so I recommend taking the road less traveled. You'll probably be glad that you did.

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Abstinence is the ultimate harm reducer. So again, another oxymoron.


Ha. Again, not an oxymoron. Do you understand what harm reduction means?



You're failing to understand something here, so I'll repeat what I said...the abstinence approach has been proven time and time again to have failed. Have you looked into this at all?



I could tell OP to stop taking drugs altogether. Just like he's been told his entire life...by his family, educators, and the media. But that didn't work...did it? He has chosen to recreationally use drugs. It's not up to me to judge. But I will offer some advice that will help to keep him safe.



This is one topic that I generally refuse to discuss with people, unless they have taken the time to educate themselves. Ignorance abounds.

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Ha. Again, not an oxymoron. Do you understand what harm reduction means?



You're failing to understand something here, so I'll repeat what I said...the abstinence approach has been proven time and time again to have failed. Have you looked into this at all?



I could tell OP to stop taking drugs altogether. Just like he's been told his entire life...by his family, educators, and the media. But that didn't work...did it? He has chosen to recreationally use drugs. It's not up to me to judge. But I will offer some advice that will help to keep him safe.



This is one topic that I generally refuse to discuss with people, unless they have taken the time to educate themselves. Ignorance abounds.


How can you be harmed from drugs if you don't take drugs?


I'd love to hear your rationalization on that, oh wise educated on drugs enlightened person...

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How can you be harmed from drugs if you don't take drugs?


I'd love to hear your rationalization on that, oh wise educated on drugs enlightened person...


Haha. What on Earth are you talking about here?



Why are you being rude and sarcastic? Calm down :)



You're totally missing the point here. I've explained that the abstinence approach has failed, but you're choosing to ignore it, and sling jejune insults instead.



It is fine for you to preach abstinence till you're blue in the face, but to criticise my responses with absolutely no way to back them up is a bit silly. I have not encouraged the OP to take drugs. I have simply advised him to take all possible steps to keep himself safe if he chooses to do so.

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You're talking out of both sides of your mouth almond. It began when you said to be smart about taking drugs.


Then it continued when you said abstinence is not an effective risk reducer. It is the ultimate risk reducer. You cannot be harmed if you don't partake.


Then you called me ill-informed and get pissy when I become sarcastic and rude according to you and sling more insults at me for a second go-around.


So thank you for proving my point perfectly about how being smart about using drugs while continuing to take drugs is an oxymoron.

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I could tell OP to stop taking drugs altogether. Just like he's been told his entire life...by his family, educators, and the media. But that didn't work...did it? He has chosen to recreationally use drugs. It's not up to me to judge. But I will offer some advice that will help to keep him safe.


I know what you mean, almond. I've tried to do the same where people I care about who indulge are concerned. Sometimes they are smart enough to minimize harm. Sometimes they get a kick out of being reckless. Ultimately their choice...


To the original poster: I have no idea where your substance use fits on the scale. The only person who can answer that question honestly is you, if you have the capacity to be honest with yourself. Don't just focus on addiction, though. Take a serious look at what happens to you when you do use (e.g. if it disrupts your routine, your capacity to be responsible, etc.) and at the reasons why you use.

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You're talking out of both sides of your mouth almond.


amaysngrace, abstinence is effective if one can do it consistently without *ever* failing. It's not realistic to assume that everybody's going to abstain. And even when people do choose to abstain, they have been known to fall off the wagon. Informing people about all the steps they can take to minimize harm, including abstinence, is the pragmatic way to go. I believe it ultimately saves more lives than the "abstinence only" approach.

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Rejected Rosebud
If the only way that you can quiet down your mind is by using a substance then I think you may have a problem.


But is smoking weed to quiet your mind more of a problem than using prozac? :confused:
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