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My parents are making me move


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My parents want to move. I'm sixteen and a sophomore in high school. My parents want to move in the summer after the school year ends. We've already been to look at houses and talked to a real estate agent. My parents and my two little sisters and I have been in the house for eleven years and the only reason that my parents want to move is that our house is slightly small and floods occasionally in the rain. I'm very socially awkward and I don't really have any friends. I talk to people in school, but I don't go out or talk to anyone. I think that my parents think that moving will help me make friends, but I know that it won't. I don't make friends easily and I'm very socially inept. I've told my parents that I don't want to move, but they don't care. They refuse to even look at houses in my school district. I even offered to move and commute to my school, but apparently that's against the law. I don't know how to convince them to stay for just two more years until I go to college. I'm conceited and I can be mean and I care way too much about school work, but I really don't want to spend the next two years sitting by myself in school stressing about grades and college. Do you have any advice to help?

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