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We didn't fail him-he failed himself and his girlfriend

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after reading his message it seemed the only reason he was sorry was because of the hole in the condom. that could potentially open up a hole can of worms right there. plus someone whose sincerely sorry for the error of their ways usually doesn't try to profusely justify their bad behavior and blame it on someone or something else. he blamed this pushy woman for wearing him down, he blamed the liquor for his actions. i must have missed the part where he accepted full responsibility for being such a louse. when he didn't like the responses he was receiving here, he resorted to insulting the age and knowledge of those who kindly took the time to respond like saying that lauryn was young and inexperienced about tequila. it's a damn shame that people don't stop and take responsibility for their actions and it's an even greater shame that it's after the fact that they profess guilt and sorrow.


whether he comes back to read what we write is really beside the point (though I bet he does) . There might be someone else here who reads all this and it might just be enough to get them to think twice the next time they are out drinking. i agree with other women here, that it is men like this who cause alot of women to mistrust their boyfriends. cheating men work to give all men a bad name.


If mark came here to get sympathy, pats on the head and for us to tell him that what he did was "OK" then he obviously doesn't understand the purpose of this place. If he wants to leave and not come back all because he wasn't told what he wanted to hear that is his problem. Somewhere out there is his poor, disillusioned girlfriend who probably believes she has herself a good honest faithful boyfriend who respects himself and her as well. Just one more statistic in the long list of people who are betrayed by those they love.

Mark stated in his original post that he knew what he did was very wrong and he was very sorry. It was a mistake. I can list millions of mistakes that people have made that were worse.


What Mark was wanting to know was what he should do now that he's made the mistake. He stated in a post a few hours ago he wasn't coming back here to get bashed and judged anymore and I really don't blame him. It's pretty easy for us to sit at our keyboards and write what a low class, drunken, cheating scumbag he is for what he did...but he knows that already and he feels really bad about it. He's probably already beaten himself up a lot more than we could ever do in this forum. Since he's not coming back, it doesn't do much good to beat a dead horse. But we are free here to post whatever we want. Not many of us are perfect and sometimes when we make mistakes were are not looking to get scolded, slashed, bashed, and ground up. We are looking for answers to what we can do to pull ourselves out of the depths of guilt, shame, depression, fear, etc. That's what Mark came here for and I think, with the exception of some excellent information on STD's, we failed him miserably. I'm sorry he won't return and I'm even sorrier that we continue to find it necessary to beat him to a pulp regardless.

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