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My ex cheated on me for the last 2 years and I just found out.

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My ex and I had been together 2 years and apart now since September.


I had always suspected my ex had been cheating but convinced me it was all in my head, that I was a crazy jealous gf. Told me I had red flags!


Well yesterday without warning the girl I suspected to be the cheatee came forward and wanted closure as well! At first I hesitated then I listened, she told me that he had convinced her I was a fling and nothing more, just a side girl but no one he loved. Took her to meet the parents during Christmas the first year dating and explained to me he didnt "believe in christmas traditions" cause he came from a broken home. Would call her up to "hang" whenever we argued and made me out to be this terrible gf to her. So many times he asked for "space" for work, wouldnt return phone calls, couldnt keep promises, but as soon as I would pull away he came running back and things would be good for short while.


Anyone who knows me cant tell you I didnt love my man enough, I truly loved him with an open heart. My ex had me convinced the cheatee was a female friend and how DARE I come in between their friendship. So I overlooked what was happening for so long.


I talked to him today about what I learned and he tried to turn the cheatee against me and say it was ALL her fault, be mad at her! NO way dick! He couldnt even swallow me calling him a monster, a Narcissus, or a liar. Just kept saying "I dont what you to think im those things, how can you say that? maybe we can be friends down the road" ARE YOU DELUSIONAL?


He has a new gf already and although ive had A LOT of closure recently I cant help but wonder how well he will treat his new gf? From what I can see he has shown her more love and respect than he has ever shown me in 2 years. It's very upsetting even seeing him find love so fast with a put together girl, though I know how narcissistic he really is.

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Why on earth would you ever want to talk to someone like that ever again?

Cut him off and move on with your life.

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Don't be upset about the new gf be proud of yourself at least your not one of those "I love him I cant leave but he cheated and im so sad" type of girl you have self respect!


This new girl is only being treated better, courted and charmed so he can have her once he does have her bet you she will get cheated on as well, feel sorry for her and how unaware she is.


Go no contact and never think of him again block him from everything.

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My ex and I had been together 2 years and apart now since September.


I had always suspected my ex had been cheating but convinced me it was all in my head, that I was a crazy jealous gf. Told me I had red flags!


Well yesterday without warning the girl I suspected to be the cheatee came forward and wanted closure as well! At first I hesitated then I listened, she told me that he had convinced her I was a fling and nothing more, just a side girl but no one he loved. Took her to meet the parents during Christmas the first year dating and explained to me he didnt "believe in christmas traditions" cause he came from a broken home. Would call her up to "hang" whenever we argued and made me out to be this terrible gf to her. So many times he asked for "space" for work, wouldnt return phone calls, couldnt keep promises, but as soon as I would pull away he came running back and things would be good for short while.


Anyone who knows me cant tell you I didnt love my man enough, I truly loved him with an open heart. My ex had me convinced the cheatee was a female friend and how DARE I come in between their friendship. So I overlooked what was happening for so long.


I talked to him today about what I learned and he tried to turn the cheatee against me and say it was ALL her fault, be mad at her! NO way dick! He couldnt even swallow me calling him a monster, a Narcissus, or a liar. Just kept saying "I dont what you to think im those things, how can you say that? maybe we can be friends down the road" ARE YOU DELUSIONAL?


He has a new gf already and although ive had A LOT of closure recently I cant help but wonder how well he will treat his new gf? From what I can see he has shown her more love and respect than he has ever shown me in 2 years. It's very upsetting even seeing him find love so fast with a put together girl, though I know how narcissistic he really is.


He didn't find love. He found someone to use.


Unless he's gone through some intensive therapy for a minimum of 18 months, he hasn't changed. He's just lulling her into a stupor, like he did you and like he did the chick who came to you, so that he can then play her for the fool when he goes out cheating and comes home to gaslight and lie to her.


Get rid of all of his contact information and excise him from your life.

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After I had spoke to the cheatee and cheater, I immediately blocked him from ALL social media, text and calls.


I am so done with him but extremely hurt and mentally unstable.


I find it even sicker that he was able to find a new "supply" two weeks after dumping me. She's beautiful, smart, really nice girl I've met her before because she hangs out in my circle of friends.


The only think that helps me from relapsing is reminding myself of ALL the terrible things he had done and what little effort he put towards us.

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