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I need Help

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WEll here the story in well I have dating this girl for about 3.5mths and she didn't know that I had a girlfriend so when she found she brokeup with me and gave me 5more chaces to change and I didn't,and now we are not together and I want her back,but I don't what I can do to get her back,I really do love her,and I care about her alot.So someone please me out.

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sweetheart, it isn't the girl you care about it's the thrill of the chase. If you cared that much it shouldn't have taken you this long to figure it out. Leave the poor thing alone and let her go on with her life, you should have respected her feelings from the start-not at the end.

WEll here the story in well I have dating this girl for about 3.5mths and she didn't know that I had a girlfriend so when she found she brokeup with me and gave me 5more chaces to change and I didn't,and now we are not together and I want her back,but I don't what I can do to get her back,I really do love her,and I care about her alot.So someone please me out.
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Well I need some serious advice on a problem that I am dealing with well I was dating this famale for about 3.5mths and everything was going goood until she found out that I had another girlfriend she gave a opportunity to change,but I never did change now that she is gone I want her back in my life,and whenever I try to call her she tells me she is busy,or when I write notes telling her how I feel about he she never writes back,well I need some advice on what can I do to get her back and have a great relationship with her.

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