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Do I need to end this relationship? !

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I've been with my partner for about 2 years. Within our first 6 months, I cheated on him multiple times and he found out. He forgave me and we kept going. The first year and a half of our relationship, he didn't have income so I foot the Bill for EVERYTHING. we moved across the country now and It seems like we are not able to communicate. He is bitter and I am resentful because we haven't been having sex on a regular basis. (Once every 3 months). I'm beginning to wonder if he is even attracted to me anymore, which is bringing my self esteem down. I find myself getting more and more irritated with him because I don't feel like he puts enough time into his relationship. I feel like he puts more time and effort into work and I get what's left at the end of the day. When I bring out up to him I get scolded for "wanting to argue" and "pulling this so soon after he gets off of work". Should I end this relationship? What do you guys think??

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Should I end this relationship?


That's a self-fulfilling question. If you ever feel the need to ask it--the answer is always yes.

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Wow! If you are only two years in and having that many problems, YES you need to end this relationship. A relationship shouldn't be that difficult, especially at the beginning. You will regret it if you don't go find someone who you love and who loves you back. Good luck.

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