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Y wud he want 2 leave me 4 something that hurt him when i didnt want it to.. & shudnt

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Heres my problem.. ive been going out with this guy for four months and he is really mad at me for something i think is extremely stupid! So here it goes, yesterday i went to a movie and to the mall with my best friend and her bf, and this other guy whos like in love with me but hes just a friend. So anywayz... one of my other girlfriends whuz supposed to come and this other girl... but they couldnt show... so it was just the four of us.... since it was like me and him he got the wrong idea and thought i liked him.. he kept like putting his arm around me, and hugging me and stuff. i liked him a while ago so he probably thought i still had feelings. So anywayz I told him to stop, and he did until he hugged me when we left thats it. Well, my best friends bf was my bf's friend, not great friends but they still talk. SO i thought i should tell him before he heres it from my best friends bf and didnt get mad at me for not telling him and think i was hiding it. So when i got home, i thought it would be okay to tell my bf that this other guy was really flirting with me and i thought he'd be happy when i told him that i told my friend to back off.. but he didnt take it like i thought he would. He just kept sayign i let him do it, and i must've led him on.. and kept asking me why i would take a guy to a movie who liked me... Now he's saying that hes unsure if things are going to work out between us or not. I just keep telling him i love him and stuff and he says i dont and hes not so sure anymore. He says he doesnt want to be cheated on again. ( Technically i cheated on him like 2 months ago at his own party when i was extremely drunk and kissed one of his friends when he was only 5 feet away... totally unintentional... he made a huge deal about it and still doesnt trust me) Sooo What should I do..? I thought he loved me... does he really? Or maybe is he just makeing this a big deal as an excuse to get out of this realationship. ive noticed for the last 2-3 times ive seen him hes been acting different and has been backing away from me a bit... anywayz i need advice. His friends are telling him to break up with me.

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well i dont blame him for feeling the way he does... how would u feel if he went to the movies with one of his boys, and 2 girls... and 1 girl that really likes him... youd feel the same way right? and you cheated on him before so he's backing away from you now. if you want to stay wit this guy and NOT cheat, show it to him... actions speak louder than words so do what it takes to make him stick around. but fyi- dont chill with other guys alone without him

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You've been dating this guy for 4 months and kissed one of HIS FRIENDS 2 months ago when he was standing right there? :eek:


Uh.. yeah.


Well to start it seems that you're less than remorseful (IMO) about kissing one of his friends to begin with.. you're saying that he made such a huge deal out of it.. but I'm willing to bet if tables had been turned and he was kissing on one of YOUR FRIENDS you wouldn't be so casual about it.


Secondly.. IF you were allowing this other guy to keep on putting his arm around you, hug you.. whatever and you hesitated in the least to tell him you weren't down for it.. don't think for a minute your girls BF didn't tell your BF how things were.. nuff said.


I think 4 months into this it hasn't gone in exactly a great direction..


I'm going to assume the 2 of you are still in school.. otherwise his friends opinions of what he should do wouldn't mean to much to him..

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You cheated on your b/f at a party a couple months back, then you went on what looked like a double date with a dude you knew would try something?


I understand why your b/f is acting like this.

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Yeah, after cheating on your bf right in front of him, you'd think you'd be ultra-vigilant to make sure that not even a hint of infidelity was going on. You didn't. If you cared about your bf's feelings about this, you wouldn't have put yourself in that situation. Nuff said.

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