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Hey Whats up with this girl somebody help me please.

Big Will

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Ok this is a real long story and I dont have any idea what this girl has been doing or if ive just been lookin too far into it, anyway im 15 in 10th grade and janice is 15 and in 9th grade:


Last year my good friends brother tom had a website and he put up pics of his friends and put my pic up so i got an email from a girl at his school saying she thought my pic was cute and askin questions like "where do you hang out" and **** like that. So she would IM me a lot until tom's best friend Chris who is pretty much my friend cause we chilled in groups a lot asked janice out and she said yeh


I didnt really care then cuz i didnt know what she looked like or anything, so anyway this year i saw a hot girl in gym class and it turned out it was Janice cuz i saw her walkin with Chris so i was pretty pissed about that, guess i was jealous. So she knew I was in her gym class and IMed me and told me to come up and talk to her but I never really did though cause we were running track or whatever, So I saw her and chris at the pep rally and all she really said to me was "I remember your pic from 8th grade with the mushroom" and "I feel short around you" cuz im like 6'2 or 6'3.


So she started talkin to me sometimes like in private rooms with chris and **** but like onetime we were in a private room and evryone left it was me Janice and her friend from another school and she was mad about something and she said sometimes I wish I wasnt going out with Chris.


so anyway she had asked me to get her weed one time to get in a party (?) then backed out the last second, then another time said she was doing a survey and wanted to know if i thought she was cute.


So anyway she stopped talking to me sometime, I dont know why until the day she broke up with Chris she IMed me and started talking to me. and was askin me **** like do i have a girl and why not, and said how since she broke up with Chris all these kids like her but there ugly and she brought up how she thought when she saw my pic she though that i was cute.


so anyway she had asked me who i liked and i said another girl id been talkin 2 named Kristen who she knows, and somewhere during the conversation she asked me about a kid in gym class i dunno if it was before or after i said kristen though (I wish i remembered)So I was pretty pissed after that cause I thought she liked me. So anyway the next day in school Im talking to her and Kristen walked by us and started talking to me, and Janice i saw gave her like a really dirty look, i dunno it could have been jokin around or somethin like that. So when we were talkin she said was like "Will, Im happy cuz we have gym tommorow" so i was like you must really like that kid, she gave me like a weird look and just smiled. So anyway that day I am online and I IM her and she comes out of no where and Is like my friend thats a girl wants to know if you like me, I kinda avoided the question and she called me on it so i said no not really but said she was attractive so she said like joking whats the matter im not good enough for you? So it turned out the friend was chris cause he IMed after that, So NEway as me and janice were talkin I asked her somethin and she said " I talk or talked to you because you hung out with chris and you seem pretty cool". so anyway they started going out again like that day so I was pretty pissed about that. So they went out again for like mabye a month and a half now theve been broke up for like 3 weeks mabye, and she hasnt said anything til like a week ago she was like ok fine dont say hi in the halls(but shes said that before) and like a couple days ago she invited me into a room. Today she said something about Chris telling her some kid wanted to beat me up. but thats it: I really like this girl, but before i make like a real move i got 2 know what her deal is, what you all think?

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you DON't need to know what her deal is. Just ask her out. To something REALLY casual.


You are analyzing the situation too much. Why don't you just call her and talk to her at home. Dont' even tell her why you called. Just call her.


If you wait too much longer you will lose her, because someone who is faster and sharper will move into your territory.


Good luck

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Dear Big Will,


Don't be shy around her. Don't mope, don't look sad, don't look depressed around her. Don't seem unhappy. Most importantly, don't even try to figure her out. She's a girl. We are impossible to figure out :)


Be happy, act and walk and talk in a very confident manner. When you see her, say hi to her. Don't ignore her. Don't sound nervous either, even if you are. But before you start sharing your feelings with her, ask her to hang out first. Ask her to go grab some lunch with you afterschool, or hang out at the mall, or watch a movie. You don't have to make it seem like a date.


And if she's not dating anyone now, don't worry about what Chris or anyone else says. This is between YOU and HER. Don't let what anyone else tells you interfere with the way you act towards her.

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