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is this love :-)

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i have a friend she is a girl. i protect her from other guys care for her, see to it that she is always happy. we have the same taste when we go for shopping we have to choose the same cloth togeather. its like we think at the same level we know what other feels and so on. she had a boyfriend who cheated or was with her for her money. i am trying to help her comeout ofit. she became so emotional that day that she told me about her childhood and so on. you wont believe may a big coincidence i was just thinking about her after 3 days planning to post this message and i got a missed call from her. i dont know what is happening to me. she knows everything about me and same here. she fulfills all my faults and i do her's.she is bad at computers and i am the best. we fight at everything like children. she just advised over a big career decision. help me friends let me tell you that i am blushing :rolleyes:

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Well, it could be love. You will know if it keeps feeling good for a long time.

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Only you know how it would affect your freindship, but if you think she would be ok with it, you should talk with her about your feelings for her, and see where it goes. Sometimes really good friends turn into the best lovers, and if you don't see where it can go, you may both take up with someone else, and then you will always wonder. Always wondering is bad. :)

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so wondering is bad i wonder. yup you are right i just got a big smile after i read the post. may be i am going nuts over her. i am goin to ask her out today. lets see her response need to find some really good reason so she doesnt know . ya i am a bit afraid. i can fight with her (though we always have a smile on our face while we do that) but cant ask her out she should not take my intentions wrongly i just want to be in touch with her.

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