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Me and this girl are feeling each other but she dont call me what should i do so HELP

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Ok now girls plz reply i need to know this. Ok me and this girl we kissed and everything i mean were really feeling each other but she NEVER calls me so it really confusing me does she like me or not u know and when i call her she's "sleeping" or doing something. So what should i do about this.SHould i continue to call her or should i wait till she calls me so plz ladies help me out with this ok bye

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Were you drunk at a party by any chance when you were kissing?


We need more details to give you an opinion!

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sounds like shes just playin hard to get.... if she wants to chill wit you she'll call though, so stop callin her for few days n see wut happens

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If she's clearly into you when you two are together, and expresses enthusiasm when you ask her out, then she's probably either shy, playing hard to get, or figures guys should do the chasing.


About a month and a half ago I started talking to a girl I met online. Up until a week or so ago, I initiated almost every communication between us. We've seen each other three times, and I would have stopped long ago had she not demonstrated enthusiasm each time I suggested getting together again. We both have kids and jobs and scheduling is a challenge. But anyway, about a week ago she started initiating contacts with me... guess I cleared some magic hurdle or something, or she figures I've demonstrated my interest through persistence. I asked last night if she was enjoying things so far and she said yes, as long as I'm able to be patient given our schedules. I'm going away this weekend but she asked me to call her when I get back.


So, if she kisses you, indicates when you're out with her that she likes you and wants to keep things going, then don't be blown off by the fact that you're making all the overtures for the moment. Given time, that will probably change and she'll start reciprocating.

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Ok Heres my situation Last thursday me and this girl kissed. This was in school but the thing she doesnt belive me that i really like her i have to prove this to her in order for her to start giving me attention. Now i think im catching feelings for her she tell me she likes me she even told me the reason but she still doesnt give me a call she says she's sick but idk wat to do and its really annoying me that she doesnt ever call me and that i have to do all the calling SO LADIES HELP ME OUT HERE. Im really falling for this girl day by day and i cant resist not talking to her pls ladies i need HELP ASAP

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Ok Heres my situation Last thursday me and this girl kissed. This was in school but the thing she doesnt belive me that i really like her i have to prove this to her in order for her to start giving me attention. Now i think im catching feelings for her she tell me she likes me she even told me the reason but she still doesnt give me a call she says she's sick but idk wat to do and its really annoying me that she doesnt ever call me and that i have to do all the calling SO LADIES HELP ME OUT HERE. Im really falling for this girl day by day and i cant resist not talking to her pls ladies i need HELP ASAP

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What part of the above responses are you not seeing? Or have you just not gotten the predisposed answer you desire?


If you are acting like this with her, constantly calling and being impatient and not listening to anything she is saying, that might be a big part of the problem.

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