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*how many relationships has fb ruined?*

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I lost count of how many threads I've seen about


My ex is on fb and I'm broken*


Ex blocked me on fb*


Ex sent me a fb message*


Ex still has our pic of fb*

etc etc!


Why is everybody so dependent on Facebook ? I don't have facebook and I'm so glad I am out iof the social media drama.

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I lost count. I don't even let people know I am in a relationship or seeing anybody. It's like social media is a psyche gateway. All I post is positive funny things. If I am upset a little then okay, but never a personal diary.


What cracks me up is how people broadcast their BFs/GFs on there. It's like, if my GF made me breakfast in bed I am not going to post it on Facebook because I am truly happy for it and why do others need to know for? Lol

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How many relationships has Facebook ruined?






How many idiots that use Facebook have ruined their own relationships?



Too many to count.

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Facebook does not ruin relationships.

People ruin relationships.

If people do dumb things with any particular website then it's their own damn fault.

Don't blame the tool for the user's actions.

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How many relationships has Facebook ruined?






If a "relationship" got ruined because of an outside tool like Facebook, it wasn't an "relationship" to begin with.


Just another illusion, like so many things out there in this world.


It is rare these days to find an actual relationship taking place.

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How many relationships has Facebook ruined?






How many idiots that use Facebook have ruined their own relationships?



Too many to count.


I was just coming here to post this exact same thing!!!

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As a gamer I need Facebook to keep in touch with group/guild members. We've been keeping a close eye on the updates from the game that we last played which was shut down in spring last year and is now being re-opened soon and currently worked on.


I really don't use it much for socializing beyond that to be honest. People post so much - sorry - crap like quotes they don't even comprehend I don't care about it anymore. Frankly, if you're a friend of mine and live nearby, I don't see why you can't give me a call, I'll prepare some coffee and biscuits, you bring two pieces of cake for the two of us and we'll chat about it the good old fashioned women way.

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How many relationships has Facebook ruined?






How many idiots that use Facebook have ruined their own relationships?



Too many to count.


ding ding ding! We have a winner!

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I lost count. I don't even let people know I am in a relationship or seeing anybody. It's like social media is a psyche gateway. All I post is positive funny things. If I am upset a little then okay, but never a personal diary.


What cracks me up is how people broadcast their BFs/GFs on there. It's like, if my GF made me breakfast in bed I am not going to post it on Facebook because I am truly happy for it and why do others need to know for? Lol




Oh yeah I forgot about those they post every step of the relationship along the way for about three whole weeks and on the fourth week they get mad at each other and it's like nothing ever happened

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People who seek drama use Facebook to broadcast EVERYTHING there is no having a simple disagreement anymore with out it being plastered all over FB and statuses changed its stupid! Then there are my personal favs the "Crazy Jealous ones" the ones who start **** for no real reason on their partners FB "why didn't they like our pics" they only liked all yours alone! I seriously saw a 30 something year old women say this to her finance lately she then had a melt down and it only got more petty from there until she was even picking apart sportive comments and making them ageist her it was sicking..:sick:

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How many relationships has Facebook ruined?






How many idiots that use Facebook have ruined their own relationships?



Too many to count.


This. Or similarly, how many character flaws/liars has Facebook helped expose???


Facebook does not ruin relationships. I hate this culture of "disownership"..it's so rampant. No one knows how to own their decisions anymore (or maybe they never did..).


I can attest to the fact that Facebook helped contribute to the demise of both of my last two serious relationships.


One of them, it was her adding her ex-boyfriend that caught my eye, and then him becoming more active on her page that set off my red-flag radar. This led to me finding out she was lying to my face repeatedly and trying to work things out with her ex while we were dating.


The other, it was her acting very strange for a 2 week period or so, and she left her Facebook open when she went for a shower, and curiosity was burning, and of course I found messages to another guy that coincided with her distance towards me and were "flirty" in nature.


So personally, Facebook saved me time, energy, and further lying/disrespect. Facebook did not cause my breakups, the Oscar-worthy lies/manipulation of my exes, coupled with a poor job of character evaluation from myself, led to my breakups.

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I think what Facebook and other social media fails to address is exactly how compartmentalized many people are. It doesn't understand that something you tell one friend, you might not want another friend to know. It seems to be set up for only the more surface type relationships to thrive, not the intimate ones like girls with their girlfriends they share varying amounts of stuff with and exes. Not to mention the employers, potential employers and parents. It's simply giving away your privacy. There are tools to control some but not all of it, and that's because you may block one person from certain posts but that person may be friends with someone else you don't want to have that info who has access to it.

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In addition, the internet seems to make us think that if we can read it, it is our business. Wrong, sorry, but thank you for playing.


Before FB it was email that caused A's, or chat rooms, or women working, or telephones, or women taking baths on their roofs. There have always been things that supposedly "made" affairs happen. The only thing that "makes" an A happen are the two people who chose to become involved in one.

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At the end of the day, its still the responsibility of the person...But I will say this much...All this "accessibility" has obviously exposed a weakness in the human condition that perhaps was never an issue(or was a much smaller issue anyway) before all this stuff became part of our everyday lives...



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how many relationships has fb ruined?




The answer is "exactly none".



Facebook is like religion:



The idiots participating are solely responsible for 'ruining' their own relationships. To say that Facebook is responsible for anything is akin to trying foist-off one's own responsibility onto any book of fiction one can get one's hands on, while attempting to dodge responsibility for one's own actions/stupidity.

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My husband had his 2.5mos LDA with his 1st gf he hadn't seen or talked 2 in 27ys. He ended it ASAP when i found out and doesn't want anything to do with FB anymore. He's mad that I have an account. I told him I have nothing to hide. "I NOT STUPID!" So, I don't blame FB. I like FB because it gave me a chance to expose the OW to her husband, all her friends, and 2 grown children.i know it seems wrong, but I'm glad I did it. It's the truth anyway.

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My ex wife began communicating with her ex BF and other "friends" on FB and before you know it we were in divorce court.


It was amusing to watch this transformation: from never on line to always on line 24/7, not accepting my friend request, wanting sex after she got off line, dinners go from 3 course meals to burnt frozen pizza and time with the kids becomes plunking them in front of videos, sudden desire to lose wight and buy new clothes.


Good riddance!!!!

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Facebook has ruined alot of peoples lives.




Yeah, right, and Facebook caused the guy in the news today, from Arizona, to lose his Super Bowl on-field credentials merely for his having photographed them, and put them on Facebook. :rolleyes:

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It's always interesting to me to see inanimate or virtual objects blamed for human choices....


Well if it walks like a duck and all that I cant help but wonder if a lot of these failed relationship stories would have turned out differently if the conveyance of fb wasn't right at the cheaters hands.


Believe me im the 1st person to get on the "self responsibility soap box" but im also a realist and the reality of it is fb is a conduit for a lot of grief! that just is what it is yes people are responsible but fb is also it goes hand in hand..


Its like when predators hunt /groom kids on line part of the prob at that exact moment is the tech they are using to get the job done sure they would prob do it with out that but the internet makes it that much easier..

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It's made it so much easier to upgrade and have options, especially for young women.


I remember a female I know who got mad at her boyfriend for not wanting to go somewhere she wanted. She then posted a status of "hey anybody want to take me here" (i forgot the name of the place) and like 50 dudes came with offers lol. One of them was a close male friend of mine who took her up on that offer and for months she was hooking up with him while still being in a relationship with the other guy. They dated for awhile but broke up, I think she ended up doing the same thing to my friend(upgrade after getting bored) but he won't admit it

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