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Tony, that calling card you wanted...


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The one I use is called New York Alliance.


But of course the cards on offer differ for different regions. I'm pretty sure there are several in your area and I'm sure you can get one at a similar rate.


The newsstands usuall have a clipboad with the flyers for each card that gives you all the fine (and finer) print about how much per minute/connection charge/fees etc.


It's worth ten minutes...and wear glasses!.

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Thanks so much. I could call a lot more friends who are out of town at such an inexpensive rate. I appreciate you taking the time to respond.

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Hi Tony;

I know Oliver gave you the name of the calling card, but if you get the phone number or how to get in touch with them, let me know.


However, let me warn you, I scammed by one of these supposed "cheap" phone card deals.


Basically, what was happening was, they were advertising these really low rates, so I bought 20 dollars worth, used it, the card seemed fantastic(it's actually not a card, but an 800 number, and a pin number, you get it over the internet). So, then I bought 50 dollars. Everytime you make a call, it tells you your new balance.


So, after the third 50 dollar purchase, I began to notice that my 50 dollars were dwindling down AWFULLY quickly. Like I would make a call, and 10 dollars would be used in one shot.


So I asked them to e-mail me a breakdown of my calls, After three or four tries, they finally e-mailed me supposedly what was the calls I had made. It still didn't add up to 50 dollars.


So I contacted the attorney generals office in NY, and they have an internet division. They contacted the company and the company sent them the breakdown of calls supposedly I had made.


For the last 50 dollars, they had a whole sheet additionally, to what they had sent me. The second sheet were calls that were some domestic and some international to countries I never make calls to, like Russia, Vietnam, etc.


So, basically I am convinced its a scam. I am still trying to get to the bottom of this, not because I spend so much money, but because I think they are swindling probably hundreds, if not thousands of innocent people.


Good luck, and let me know if you find a good calling card.

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I appreciate the one-up. Oliver says he uses these cards with good experience...somethine like one or two cents a minute. Yes, usually if anything is too good to be true, it's not.


It will only cost me a few bucks to see if it's a scam or not. It's not like I'll be investing a lot of money. I'd much prefer to lose ten or twenty dollars than to lose ten or twenty thousand dollars.


Will let you know...and thanks again. We do live in an age of rip offs...but I'm going on Oliver's recommendation. We will see!


I'm sorry you had the bad experience. Are you sure you weren't calling Russia with top secret information about national security?

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