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When someone asks an atheist or agnostic for prayers...

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Daniel Dennett wrote a wonderful letter when he survived a medical issue. In it he made some comment related to asking why people who offer prayers do not also offer to sacrifice a goat. I must dig it out.


We already have no reason to think prayer is of any actual use. Actually we have some study showing it can be positively harmful. It has been shown people being prayed for AND know they are being prayed for, fare worse medically.


It is one thing to keep someone in your thoughts - but as I say I prefer to let such people also know my actual time - the best gift we have to offer another person - is at their disposal as well.


I'm not sure you're understanding. I don't care about goats, and neither does a hurting person who asks for prayer. There is a a time and place to enlighten us poor spaghetti monster worshipping fools. WHILE we are in a crisis is not the time. Make your point later. It's not about faith, it's about tact and emotional intelligence, and someone who HAS to make sure their hurting friend is educated about the uselessness of prayer has neither.

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I'm not sure you're understanding. I don't care about goats, and neither does a hurting person who asks for prayer.


Then I am not sure you are understanding, as my point was not about whether you care about goats at all. But the comment was a useful one in highlighting the arbitrary nature of the thing. I did find the speech in question however.



There is a a time and place to enlighten us poor spaghetti monster worshipping fools.


And I repeat, nothing I said above was suggesting that was my goal or agenda. And as I said there are some good arguments for refusing to pray for someone - even if requested to do so - given the data we have so far - although small - is suggestive that you would be positively harming your friend if you do.

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