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scared girl should I call her?

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I dated a woman for a few months but knew her for a while before dating. She broke up with me but asked me back then broke up with me again.She wanted to be friends , but always gave me mixed signals. when i tried to send the same signals back she stopped talking to me.She has done this to me twice and know does not talk to me anymore.


She always made the first move and I just responded to her actions. I feel pretty stupid for being made to look foolish all the time. When I talk to her about this I am always wrong and she is always right.I dont even think she realizes she was sending me mixed signals.


I get the feeling from her that she is afraid of getting in to a serious relationship, so she looks for any excuse to run away from the situation.


I know I should just forget about this woman , but aside from her "not knowing what she wants" she is the most amazing woman I have ever met. We had everything in common , so its real hard to walk away. I havent talked to her for a month now , but I am thinking of calling her up this weekend.



I want to ask her "why she is so afraid of me?" but dont know if this is a good idea. What you guys think

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Don't call her. Don't contact her. Do you think she is thinking of you? It has been a month and she hasn't made a move on you. I had a similar situation with a women who sent mixed signals. When you get the friends speech it is time to pack it in and find someone who has the feelings you want from a woman. There are many other women out there who are waiting for you. I know she is wonderful and you can talk about everything but the fact is she doesn't want a relationship with you. Not now maybe not ever. Do you really want to wait to see if she wants you back?


Take charge of your life and move on. Believe me. She already has....

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I say give her a call and be straightforward like that you will never have to wonder "what if?".


Ask her out if she says no then you'll have your answer and can move on.


Good luck. :)

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Call her and say you're staring at her from outside her window with a mask on.


Other than that, I wouldn't call.

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