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Am I just paranoid

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My boyfriend broke up with me 2 weeks ago, but it was a long time coming. Should have happened months ago! See my last post on the breaking up forum.


Basically I have been hanging out with a new guy in the past week, just as friends and we've been having the funniest times together. I'm really happy. But the only problem is that he is best friends with my exes friends. Not my ex, just his friends.


So obviously nobody can find out we're hanging out! Not now anyway.


I posted a photo on Instagram and I happened to be wearing this new boys jumper. It's not obvious it's his or anything. Anyway I deleted it like a day after just in case. Today I put a photo on my Instagram of just my new skirt, and I noticed I had an unfollower, my ex unfollowed me! But there are still photos of me on his profile. Huh?


Anyway, I'm so anxious about him and every one else finding out I'm hanging out with this new guy. I deleted my ex on facebook just now and I just don't know if I'm doing the right thing.


My post sounds so stupid I know.

Edited by saz123
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