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Friends or More?

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Hi there, I need some advice or maybe just a second opinion. My neighbor and I have been friends since last June when he moved in. I had a serious relationship at the time so I never even remotely thought of him in a romantic way. He helped talk me through a really bad breakup, and now we have become a lot closer. The only thing is, is that he has a girlfriend, I know, but they met on Elimidate!! Yes, the dating show. He is 29 and she is 21 and I am 25. Now he always talks to me about his problems with her, and its fine. We get along great and have a ton in common. I have become 10 x more attracted to him!


So here's the deal: About 3 weeks ago, we harmously went out to dinner and had drinks, no pun intended. Well anyways we ended up having a blast - making out - and I spent the night at his apartment which is across the hall from him. It was harmless, nothing else but make out, he didn't even try anything. I thought maybe it would be weird after, since I have kind started to develop feelings for him, but it wasn't weird at all. What a relief!!


Then last Saturday, we went out again for drinks, got drunk again, and then he stayed at my house, and again all we did is makeout. The next day he stayed at my house watching TV and talking til 5. I kind of asked him if he would ever date me? He said yes, but that one of us would have to move since it would be like living together, and that he couldn't just break up with his gfriend, because he cares for her as a person. They've been dating a little over 6 months, and he always tells me that she is not marriage material and that it's not going to last. I asked him if he loved her, he said he is not in love with her, but that he loves her.


He was supposed to go to her house on Sunday night, but they got in some fight and he didn't end up going. I was studying that night, when I finished I had 2 missed calls from him and a message saying that he wasn't staying and asked if I wanted to stay the night together, and that he would explain later? I didn't get his message until after 1 and he called at 10. He was asleep, so nothing happened. When I talked to him the next day, I asked him what that was all about, he explained what happened, and then I said something about him wanting to stay the night: he told me that he doesn't think he should be doing that right, kissing, b/c he wants to be able to respect himself in the final outcome of this mess. I totally respect him for that.


Do unto others as you would want them do unto you.


I saw the next day and we ended up having a bottle of wine together, nothing weird, lots of fun just talking about nothing. Then when it was time to go to bed, I told that I wanted to stay together and he stuck to his word.


I just saw him tonight and it was kind of weird, or maybe I just made it weird, b/c I tend over analyze on stuff like this. So how do I keep it cool with us and not weird. I think that there just needs to be some time between us, where I don't see him for a little while? Any suggestions? Thank you!

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u need to read my post friends with benefits.. alot of helpful advice and opinions were expressed there..

i hope it helps u...

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