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LAdies Help Asap plz i need some real advice

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Ok Heres my situation Last thursday me and this girl kissed. This was in school but the thing she doesnt belive me that i really like her i have to prove this to her in order for her to start giving me attention. Now i think im catching feelings for her she tell me she likes me she even told me the reason but she still doesnt give me a call she says she's sick but idk wat to do and its really annoying me that she doesnt ever call me and that i have to do all the calling SO LADIES HELP ME OUT HERE. Im really falling for this girl day by day and i cant resist not talking to her pls ladies i need HELP ASAP

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Have you dropped a hint to let her know its ok to call you, or asked her why she never calls?


She may have read too many "relationship" books telling her that if the guy isn't calling, he's not interested and that she shouldn't be calling him. If there is every other indication that she likes you except that, then that's probably the case. However, if she makes excuses not to see you or spend time with you and avoids you in other ways besides the calling - then she may well be not that into you.

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If you like someone the minimum you will do is call. I hate to say it that way but it's true. She may like you as a friend but think about anyone who you'd ever liked, wouldn't you look forward to calling them to say anything. Even if you were nervous it might take you an hour or 2 or 3 but you would muster up the nerve to call. You could be sick but unless you physically couldn't talk, you'd probably still call. Not calling however is what you do when a certain person is not on ur mind in that romantic way. I'm in a situation like this myself. This guy I work with asked me for my number and we exchanged numbers but it's been 2 wks and he does 99 percent of the calling. He asked me about it but it caught me so off guard that all I could do was make up some lame excuse. It's not that I don't like him...I do...but only to hang with on a friendship level. When he calls I answer and talk, I don't want to avoid him, but for me to actually think about him to call him, I just don't think about it. Don’t take this as an insult. When someone doesn’t like you back or give you what your giving and what you want from that person in return, that just is a clear indication that you need to find someone who does want that from you and wants to make you feel it too. Don't go looking for all the signs that she does like you, look at the fact that there are signs that says that she's not all that interested. Calling seems to be the big one for you and this girl. I say, find another girl who is into you. It’s much more fulfilling when the feelings are mutual. There will be many people in a lifetime who will like you and you won't like back just like there will be many who you like but won't like you. That's the sucky part about feelings. You can't make anyone feel how you want them to. But, it's never killed anyone. You'll get the right girl. This chick doesn't seem to be her though.

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Maybe she thinks it's the guy's job to call, which I agree with. You're the man, right, sorry dude, it's your job to pursue her.


Speaking of pursuing, if you want her to know you like her... Here's a brainstorm, ask her on a date!

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