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It seems I have injured myself, and I don't even know how I did it.


Official diagnos by the MD is 'sprained shoulder'


I have never been so much pain in my life. I wonder if this is similiar to dis-located shoulder?


All I can do is lay in bed suffering, and hope the anti-inflammatory amd muscle relaxer drugs kick in soon.


Has anyone else had this happen to them?

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I have never had it happen to me personally but my ex boyfriend had a similar injury when he used to play football. I never saw him cry harder then when he hurt his shoulder. Not even at his mothers funeral. Just keep resting and taking lots of good pain killers!

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Originally posted by april

It seems I have injured myself, and I don't even know how I did it.


Official diagnos by the MD is 'sprained shoulder'


I have never been so much pain in my life. I wonder if this is similiar to dis-located shoulder?


All I can do is lay in bed suffering, and hope the anti-inflammatory amd muscle relaxer drugs kick in soon.


Has anyone else had this happen to them?


When you get a little better make sure to do some physical therapy or see a message therapist. Otherwise you may get something called "Frozen Shoulder" - "Frozen shoulder can develop after a shoulder is injured or immobilized for a period of time. Attempts to prevent frozen shoulder include early motion of the shoulder after it has been injured. "


Frozen Shoulder


Just get a massage therapist to help you go through range of motion and you should be ok!! Hope things get better soon. Hot and cold packs will probably help a lot.


I had sprained trapezius muscles and I couldn't move my head for like 4 weeks. It SUCKED!

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