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A trio of friends. 2 guys 1 girl.

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I am in a trio of friends.

Me, a guy and a girl.

Yesterday, I was talking to the girl about her guy problems. Afterwards she confesses something to me - that last May, she and our other close friend had gotten together. They slept together a while and when she wanted to give it a go. He didn't want a relationship. They agreed to be friends, and they have continued.


I was cool and ineffectual about it when she told me, but now a day later. I feel like they are both scum. Should I ignore/dismiss these thoughts and feelings? It makes me question their commitment towards friendship. I feel like our friendship has been devalued.

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Hard to make sense of it unless you're secretly wanting to date her. Otherwise, it shouldn't bother you. Even then, it shouldn't bother you if you have not been honest that you were hoping for something romantic.

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